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16-year-old flees from police in his parents' car

A possibly stoned 16-year-old fled from the police at 180 kilometers per hour in his parents' car in Ingolstadt. As the police announced on Tuesday, the teenager had two 15-year-old girls with him as passengers in the very early hours of Boxing Day.

A blue light shines on the roof of a police car.
A blue light shines on the roof of a police car.

Ingolstadt - 16-year-old flees from police in his parents' car

A possibly stoned 16-year-old fled from the police at 180 kilometers per hour in his parents' car in Ingolstadt. As the police announced on Tuesday, the teenager had two 15-year-old girls with him as passengers in the very early hours of Boxing Day.

When a police patrol wanted to check the car, the 16-year-old reportedly accelerated. Several police patrols followed him through several small communities in the Eichstätt district. In the meantime, he is said to have been driving at 180 kilometers per hour. In Eichstätt, the police managed to stop the car and overpower the driver, who was arrested without resistance.

The schoolboy from Solnhofen had apparently taken his parents' car unnoticed to go on a joyride. Because the underage driver also smelled "suspiciously of cannabis" according to the police, he is now being investigated not only for illegal motor vehicle racing and driving without a license, but also for driving under the influence of drugs.

Read also:

  1. Despite the incident in Ingolstadt, the Eichstätt district experienced normal traffic on Christmas Day, despite the high-speed chase.
  2. In the aftermath of the incident, local authorities in Bavaria are considering installing more speed cameras in areas prone to criminality.
  3. On Christmas Day in neighboring city of Ingolstadt, a different type of traffic disruption occurred when a homeless man stole a car, leading the police on a chase through the city streets.
  4. In the following days, the 16-year-old and his passengers were questioned by the police in Eichstätt, explaining the series of events that led to the high-speed chase on Christmas Day.


