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16-year-old attacks 15-year-old with knife in classroom

Knife attack at a school in Cuxhaven: A 16-year-old girl stabs a younger classmate and seriously injures her. The two are said to have gotten into an argument beforehand. The background remains unclear at first.

A police patrol car on the road with its blue lights switched on.
A police patrol car on the road with its blue lights switched on.

Cuxhaven - 16-year-old attacks 15-year-old with knife in classroom

The pupils are just returning from break to the classroom at a school in Cuxhaven when a knife attack occurs: a 16-year-old stabs a fellow pupil and seriously injures her. The 15-year-old was taken to hospital by ambulance after the attack on Thursday morning, according to a police spokesperson. There is no danger to life. The knife attack was the result of an argument between the suspect and the victim. It remained unclear what the argument was about. The 16-year-old was provisionally arrested.

The incident took place at around 9.20 a.m. in front of the other pupils in a classroom at Lüdingworth School, a primary and secondary school in the district of the same name. A teacher and classmates reportedly stopped the 16-year-old from committing further acts. A crisis intervention team from the district of Cuxhaven looked after the pupils and lessons were ended prematurely by the school management. On Friday, the last day of school before the vacations, lessons are to take place. The crisis intervention team will then be available again, according to the police.

Lower Saxony's Minister of Education Julia Willie Hamburg announced a thorough investigation into the knife attack. "I am deeply shocked by this crime in one of our schools," said the Green politician. "My thoughts are with the injured girl, her family and the entire school community at this time." She hoped that the pupil would recover very quickly. She "wishes her, her family and the school community a lot of strength to come to terms with this experience."

This is not the first time that a knife has been used in a school. At the end of May, a 17-year-old seriously injured a 16-year-old with a knife in a toilet at a vocational school in Wildeshausen near Bremen. The accused was convicted of attempted murder by the Oldenburg Regional Court in November and ordered to be placed in a psychiatric hospital.

In January, a 17-year-old pupil stabbed a 55-year-old teacher to death in a classroom at a vocational college in Ibbenbüren, north of Münster on the border with Lower Saxony. In April, the teenager was found dead in Herford prison. Teachers at the Büssingweg integrated comprehensive school (IGS) in Hanover recently wrote an urgent letter to the city council and local politicians to draw attention to the escalating violence, disrespect and boundary violations by pupils.

According to the Ministry of Education, the increasing assaults are not just a school problem. Rather, experts lament an overall increase in violence, brutalization and disrespect in society as a whole. "This does not stop at school," said a spokesperson. Studies have shown that social isolation and massive internet use during the coronavirus pandemic have apparently made vulnerable children and young people more susceptible to violence.

For the next school year, Education Minister Hamburg will introduce a social index that can be used to identify schools facing particular challenges.


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