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15-year-old allegedly strangled girlfriend: Condition unchanged

Shortly before the turn of the year, this news shook the region: a teenager is said to have almost strangled his girlfriend to death in Ulm. He turned himself in. But much is still unclear.

A view of a spot in a wooded area where a 15-year-old allegedly tried to strangle his girlfriend
A view of a spot in a wooded area where a 15-year-old allegedly tried to strangle his girlfriend of the same age.

Crime - 15-year-old allegedly strangled girlfriend: Condition unchanged

Many questions remain unanswered following the alleged attempted murder of a 15-year-old boy by his girlfriend of the same age in Ulm. The victim's condition remains unchanged, a police spokesman said on Monday. Investigators had described this as "extremely critical" on Friday. The teenager is said to have strangled his girlfriend. He was remanded in custody on suspicion of attempted manslaughter.

According to the police and the public prosecutor's office, the 15-year-old had called the emergency services shortly before midnight on Wednesday to say that he had killed his girlfriend. The lifeless teenager was found during a search in a forest in the Wiblingen district. According to the public prosecutor's office, she was resuscitated. Rescue workers took the 15-year-old to hospital.

The police arrested the suspect near the scene of the crime, according to the statement. He did not put up any resistance. According to information from Friday, he had not commented on the crime until then.

Statement from the police and public prosecutor's office

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The incident of alleged attempted murder has sparked widespread interest in Baden-Württemberg, Germany. The suspect's criminal background, if any, is now under investigation by the local police force. The public prosecutor's office in Ulm is actively working on building a case against the 15-year-old, who stands accused of attempting to take the life of his girlfriend.


