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15-point agenda for enhancing democratic governance

Manuela Schwesig, leader of MV's government, believes that the democratic system enjoys widespread support among the people. Nevertheless, she cautions that it must always be robust.

Manuela Schwesig (SPD), Ministerpräsidentin von Mecklenburg-Vorpommern.
Manuela Schwesig (SPD), Ministerpräsidentin von Mecklenburg-Vorpommern.

Government of a state - 15-point agenda for enhancing democratic governance

The state government in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern recently urged the need for a stronger democratic coexistence, assuring the public that they are taking action. During a meeting on Tuesday in Schwerin, the ministerial board adopted a resolution "for a dynamic, bold, and resilient democracy" in celebration of the 75th anniversary of the Basic Law.

In a 15-point document, the achievements of citizens who volunteer their time towards performance-oriented democracy are recognized, regardless of whether they're involved in municipal councils, fire departments, or associations. However, the various assaults on democracy, its institutions, office holders, and mandate bearers reinforce the notion that democracy is not inevitable and requires constant nurturing, protection, and defense. Freedom of speech and a free press are emphasized as fundamental components of democracy.

Following the cabinet meeting, Minister President Manuela Schwesig remarked, "The overwhelming majority of people in our nation support the liberal-democratic order of the Basic Law." This was also seen during the weekend at festivals commemorating the Basic Law's anniversary. Despite this, there are still many hate-filled voices echoing on social media. "While these voices may be powerful, they do not represent the majority of people in our country," left-leaning politician Schwesig asserted, urging caution. "Our democracy must be safeguarded. We must draw a clear line against those who aim to jeopardize or even eliminate the liberal-democratic order."

To endorse those fighting for democracy and freedom while opposing extremism and violence, it's crucial to pass the Democracy Promotion Act on a federal level, providing a legally and future-proof foundation for all committed individuals. In MV, the "Strengthening Democracy and Tolerance Together!" program is already being implemented - a bipartisan effort meant to provide a solid platform for efforts promoting democracy.

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