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14-year-old killed in Guben: Suspected perpetrator remains silent

When the police arrived at the scene, they found the bleeding victim, the teenagers' mother and the aggressive suspected perpetrator. A post-mortem report is now available.

A blue light shines on the roof of a police patrol car.
A blue light shines on the roof of a police patrol car.

Crime - 14-year-old killed in Guben: Suspected perpetrator remains silent

After the violent death of a 14-year-old in Guben, north of Cottbus, the alleged perpetrator, the former partner of the mother, has not made any statements regarding the incident yet. A spokeswoman of the Cottbus Prosecutor's Office made this known on a Wednesday. According to the autopsy, the teenager died from a wound in the neck area, and she bled to death.

The police were alerted on a Friday due to a dispute. The police found the heavily injured 14-year-old and the 44-year-old man, who was arrested as a suspect. Since the man threatened the police officers, they used a stun gun (Taser) on him. A court ordered pre-trial detention for the man on suspicion of manslaughter. The mother of the girl was also found at the crime scene. It is still unclear whether she witnessed the crime, according to the Prosecutor's Office. Reports that the daughter wanted to protect her were not confirmed.

The Brandenburg Police issued a warning on the day after the incident against spreading videos from the crime scene environment. Several films were circulating on the internet. Spreading them is punishable, according to the police. "We are already investigating in several cases. You certainly don't want similar images of yours to be spread on the internet."

Police statement

  1. The public prosecutor's office in Cottbus has shared that the mother of the deceased 14-year-old was present at the crime scene.
  2. The autopsy results indicate that the girl died from a wound in the neck area and bled to death following a violent crime.
  3. The police in Brandenburg have warned against the distribution of videos from the crime scene environment, stating that spreading such content is punishable.
  4. The suspect in the case, a 44-year-old man, was arrested at the crime scene after a dispute, and a court subsequently ordered pre-trial detention on suspicion of manslaughter.
  5. The alleged perpetrator of the crime, the former partner of the victim's mother, has reportedly not made any statements regarding the incident yet.

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