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14 European Parliament Members from Berlin.

Fourteen Berlin-based politicians have been elected to the European Parliament after the election, consisting of both new and familiar figures.

Carola Rackete and Martin Schirdewan, newly elected MEPs for Die Linke.
Carola Rackete and Martin Schirdewan, newly elected MEPs for Die Linke.

Election outcome: - 14 European Parliament Members from Berlin.

In the revamped EU Parliament, Berlin now sends fourteen representatives, an increase from before as reported by the state election administration on Monday. Green Party secured four seats, while Social Democrats (SPD), Left Party, and Alliance for Progressive Change (bsw) scored two representatives each. Each of CDU, AfD, Volt, and Party for the Satirist Martin Sonneborn yanked out one representative.

In the parliament, Germany has 96 members. Different from the German election system, the EU Parliament prohibits a five-percent benchmark. As many as 34 parties threw their hats in the ring in Berlin's ballots. CDU was the only one promoting a state list, with Hildegard Bentele selected as the top candidate. The other Berlin-based politicians took their places via their party's federal lists.

Below is the list of Berlin's representatives:

  • Sergey Lagodinsky
  • Hannah Neumann
  • Anna Cavazzini
  • Erik Marquardt (all from Greens)
  • Gaby Bischoff
  • Tobias Cremer (both from SPD)
  • Carola Rackete
  • Martin Schirdewan (both from Left Party)
  • Fabio De Masi
  • Ruth Firmenich (Cue in two from BSW)
  • Hildegard Bentele (CDU)
  • Alexander Sell (AfD)
  • Damian Boeselager (Volt)
  • Martin Sonneborn (The Party)

Detailed information on the Berlin elected representatives from the state election committee.

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