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14 attacks on party offices in MV in the first half of the year

Aggresions against parties also escalated during the election campaign for the European and municipal elections. More than 450 election posters were destroyed in this manner. Some cases were solved by the police.

Police recorded 14 attacks on offices and party facilities in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania in the...
Police recorded 14 attacks on offices and party facilities in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania in the first half of the year.

- 14 attacks on party offices in MV in the first half of the year

Vandalized Doors, Shattered Windows: In the first six months of this year, the police in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern have provisionally registered 14 criminal offenses against party offices. In the entire year 2023, there were 45, as it emerges from the answer of the state government to a minor request by the independent member of the state parliament Eva Maria Schneider-Gärtner.

Most of the attacks in the first half of the year - six - were directed against the SPD, it was said. Five times, AfD offices were the target. Twice, the Left were affected, once the Greens.

Last year, the AfD was by far the most frequent victim of such attacks: 24 of the 45 attacks in 2023 were directed against offices of this party. The SPD was affected in twelve cases, the Greens in six, and the Left in three cases. According to the information, offices of the CDU and FDP were not the target in either of the two years.

In addition, the police recorded 454 cases of damage or theft of election posters before the European and local elections on June 9 in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern. Which parties were more or less affected was not communicated.

In total, the authorities were able to identify 57 suspects in 38 cases in the first half of the year.

The party office of the SPD was targeted six times in the first half of the year, as mentioned in the assessment of the criminal offenses against party offices. Furthermore, the Party office of the AfD was attacked five times during the same period.

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