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13-year-old steals scooter and injures himself

A 13-year-old is said to have hot-wired a scooter and seriously injured himself while riding it. Together with two other boys aged 11 and 13, he allegedly hot-wired the scooter on Saturday and drove 100 meters before losing control, police said on Monday. The boy crashed into a tree and was...

An ambulance drives through the city center with blue lights flashing.
An ambulance drives through the city center with blue lights flashing.

Traffic - 13-year-old steals scooter and injures himself

A 13-year-old is said to have hot-wired a scooter and seriously injured himself while riding it. Together with two other boys aged 11 and 13, he allegedly hot-wired the scooter on Saturday and drove 100 meters before losing control, police said on Monday. The boy crashed into a tree and was seriously injured. He fled the scene of the accident anyway, but the police caught him 50 meters further on.

According to initial police investigations, the scooter was traveling faster than the permitted 25 kilometers per hour. The 17-year-old owner of the scooter, who later reported himself to the police for theft, is now under investigation for expiry of the operating license and suspicion of driving without a license.

Police press release

Read also:

  1. Despite the incident, the police are also focusing on addressing criminality among young people in the region, particularly in regards to traffic violations, in the state of Baden-Württemberg.
  2. The incident serves as a reminder for parents in the area to discuss the dangers of criminality and traffic rules with their children, encouraging them to make responsible choices.
  3. In an effort to combat youth delinquency and traffic violations, local authorities in Baden-Württemberg are collaborating with the police to implement educational programs and stricter enforcement measures.




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