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13% of Germans receive their 'Dream Pension'

The desire for a high pension in old age is widespread, but a new study reveals that only a few people in Germany actually receive the pension they aspire to.

13% of Germans receive their 'Dream Pension' / Photo: Kampus Production /
13% of Germans receive their 'Dream Pension' / Photo: Kampus Production /

Few receive the pension of their dreams. Living the remaining years in comfort is the desire of many people in Germany.

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Unfortunately, the reality is often different. Many elderly people receive only a meager pension in old age, a fact reaffirmed by a recent survey.

Very few people in Germany actually receive the pension of their dreams

After decades of work, everyone would like to retire with a high pension. Unfortunately, reviewing the pension notification often brings everyone back to earth. Because only a few people in Germany receive a pension that truly meets their desires.

This is the result of an evaluation by the insurance company Allianz, which, over the past two years, analyzed data from a total of 500,000 registered users. Only 13% of German citizens can achieve the desired pension level with their current pension plan.

There are significant differences between different age groups. In particular, young users find it challenging to reach the desired pension level with their current monthly salary and without sufficient reserves.

13% of Germans receive their 'Dream Pension'. Photo: Pixabay License /
  • In the age group from 55 to 60, the situation is not much encouraging. Here, only slightly less than 19% receive the desired pension.
  • People aged 60 to 65 feel much better. In this age group, approximately every fifth person (22%) can count on a good pension.

The desired pension level also varies depending on gender.

According to Pension Compass data, men, on average, aspire to a desired monthly pension of 2788 euros, while women, on the other hand, have more modest financial needs. They are content with a pension of 2247 euros per month.

In addition, the results show that as men age, their desired pension level also increases. On the other hand, for women, the desired pension amount remains almost unchanged with age.

According to the survey, the monthly pension requirement remains almost constant for people aged 30-35. This is not surprising, as many women at this stage of life give birth to children and are therefore forced to temporarily forget about their careers.

After reviewing the pension notification, many people realize that only a few in Germany receive a pension that truly meets their desires. As individuals age, the percentage of those achieving their desired pension level varies, with only 13% of young users and approximately 22% of people aged 60 to 65 reaching it.

Regarding gender differences, men on average aspire to a desired monthly pension of 2788 euros, while women are content with 2247 euros per month. The desired pension amount remains almost constant for women as they age, while it increases for men.

