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125 years of Rostock Zoo: "Meerkat concert" to mark the anniversary

Rostock Zoo is celebrating its 125th anniversary this year. Mayor Eva-Maria Kröger (Left Party) thanked and congratulated the team led by zoo director Antje Angeli. Rostock Zoo fulfills many tasks. "It is a place of environmental education, a tourist attraction, a leisure highlight, a botanical...

Two otters frolic in the water basin at Rostock Zoo.
Two otters frolic in the water basin at Rostock Zoo.

Leisure time - 125 years of Rostock Zoo: "Meerkat concert" to mark the anniversary

Rostock Zoo is celebrating its 125th anniversary this year. Mayor Eva-Maria Kröger (Left Party) thanked and congratulated the team led by zoo director Antje Angeli. Rostock Zoo fulfills many tasks. "It is a place of environmental education, a tourist attraction, a leisure highlight, a botanical garden and, of course, it takes care of species conservation," said Kröger on Wednesday. The zoo is very popular with the people of Rostock and many visitors.

Around 600,000 people visit the facility in Barnstorfer Wald every year. On January 4, 1899, the first animal keeper was employed in what was then the "Hirschgarten" at Trotzenburg Castle. In its anniversary year, the zoo is hosting many events, including the traditional "Classic Night" (June 7), which has been held at the zoo since 1999. From January 4 to February 25, artificially produced auroras will bathe the zoo in a special light from Thursday to Sunday. On June 8, the North German Philharmonic Orchestra Rostock will also perform the first "Meerkat Concert" (Peter and the Wolf) at the zoo, especially for children.

Rostock Zoo Association of Zoological Gardens Meerkat concert

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