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120 euros for a week of work experience in the skilled trades: application start

Because there is a shortage of young professionals in the skilled trades, the state is now paying pupils to do an internship during the vacations. Up to 360 euros for three weeks is possible.

Pupils can take advantage of this: This summer, paid vacation internships in craft businesses are...
Pupils can take advantage of this: This summer, paid vacation internships in craft businesses are possible for the first time in MV.

Internship bonus - 120 euros for a week of work experience in the skilled trades: application start

Students in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern can "experience the ropes" in carpentry, electrician or hairdressing businesses and get paid for it starting from Class eight during these summer holidays. The region and the Chambers of Crafts have set up a program for this. Youths can therefore complete up to three weeks of apprenticeships in one or several craft businesses during the holidays. They receive a premium of 120 Euro per week, as the Schwerin and Ostmecklenburg-Vorpommern Chambers of Crafts announced. Applications can be submitted online as of now. [,0,1323.html]

After the apprenticeship, a contract with the business must be signed and the contract and the Chamber's application must be submitted at least one week before the start. After the apprenticeship, the Chamber must receive a work time statement from the company and a rating form from the youth - only then will the money be paid out.

The state is reportedly providing 220,000 Euro for the apprenticeship program this year and the next. The Presidents of the two Chambers of Crafts, Uwe Lange (Schwerin) and Axel Hochschild (Ostmecklenburg-Vorpommern), are hoping for heavy usage. "For the securing of the crafts industry in our region, the introduction of the apprenticeship premium is a big and important step," they stated together. "We are pleased that the state government has adopted our proposal and that the apprenticeship premium has been made possible in time for the summer holidays. The Chambers will process the applications as quickly as possible, so that as many apprenticeships as possible can be completed this summer." The background of the action is the craftsman shortage.

The summer holidays begin in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern on July 22. Paid summer apprenticeships already exist in some federal states, such as Sachsen-Anhalt. A spokeswoman for the Schwerin Chamber of Crafts stated that the demand was very good there. In Sachsen-Anhalt, apprenticeships are even subsidized for four weeks a year with a total of 480 Euro.

Pupils from Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania who are interested in carpentry, electrician, or hairdressing can participate in the apprenticeship program in their region, which is supported by the Chambers of Crafts. This opportunity is available for students starting from Class eight, during the summer holidays in Schwerin.

The Chamber of Crafts in Schwerin and its counterpart in Ostmecklenburg-Vorpommern have announced that the apprenticeship program in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania is partially funded by the state, providing a premium of 120 Euros per week for pupils participating in the program.

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