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12-year-old drives a kart on the road

An afternoon spent together by a father and his daughter ends tragically in the municipality of Linsengericht. The girl drives off the farm unnoticed in a go-kart and is seriously injured in an accident.

The word police can be seen on the bodywork of a police vehicle.
The word police can be seen on the bodywork of a police vehicle.

Main-Kinzig district - 12-year-old drives a kart on the road

A 12-year-old girl drove a motorcart on a street in Linsengericht-Altenhaßlau and was seriously injured in an accident there, according to police reports. The girl and her father had driven the cart together on their own property on a Saturday for the first time. Later, the minor girl reportedly got into the vehicle unobserved and left the property alone. On the road, she allegedly lost control of the cart and collided with a parked car from behind. The cart came to a stop only under the car's rear end.

The 12-year-old girl sustained serious injuries, including multiple facial fractures. Emergency responders transported her to an intensive care unit at a hospital for treatment. Her father also required medical attention, suffering from shock. The police estimate the damage to the parked car to be around 2000 Euros.

Press release

In the municipality of Linsengericht-Altenhaßlau, Hesse, a 12-year-old girl was involved in a traffic accident on Main-Kinzig Street. She was driving a motorcart, reportedly losing control and colliding with a parked car. The incident occurred near her property where she had newly started driving the cart, having been unobserved when she left the premises alone. The accident resulted in the girl's serious injuries, requiring treatment at an intensive care unit, and the damage to the parked car, estimated to be approximately 2000 Euros. The police are investigating the incident.

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