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11:14 Cologne Airport reports disruptions at Check-In

IT-Issues in Liveticker

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11:14 Cologne Airport reports disruptions at Check-In

Cologne Airport also reports issues as well. There are "significant disruptions in the check-in process of airlines," it says. It is currently unclear how long the disruption will last. The airport will keep passengers informed of further developments. "Many thanks for your patience," writes the airport to passengers.

11:06 Eurowings affected as well
Due to the disruptions, passengers should expect delays and cancellations today, said an Eurowings spokesperson to the dpa. The check-in and boarding processes are affected. Online check-in is currently not possible. Passengers are asked to check the status of their flights on The website is still functioning.

10:58 KLM halts entire flight operation
The Dutch airline KLM has to completely halt its flight operation. The company announced this in Amsterdam.

10:49 Possible cause of problems identified
The origin of the disruptions appears to be a problem with the US cybersecurity firm Crowdstrike. It is likely that a software update is responsible. The error at Crowdstrike in turn affected software from Microsoft, various media reported.

10:45 Berlin Airport resumes operations
The suspended flight operations at Berlin Airport are being resumed. A BER spokesperson said the passenger processing was running again. However, there could still be waiting times or delays.

10:42 Australian government calls crisis meeting due to computer problems
Due to the global computer problems, the Australian government is holding a crisis meeting. "The Australian government is working closely with the National Cyber Security Coordinator on these developing failures," quoted the Sydney Morning Herald a government spokesperson.

10:25 Clinics cancel planned surgeries due to technical problems
Due to a large-scale technical problem, the Universitätsklinikum Schleswig-Holstein is cancelling all planned surgeries at its locations in Kiel and Lübeck today. The clinic announced this on its website. The ambulances were also closed. "The care of patients in the UKSH is secure, as is emergency care."

10:10 Technical problems affecting systems worldwide
Problems are affecting computer systems worldwide. Airlines, media, and telecommunications companies are among those affected, media such as Bloomberg reported.

09:40 IT issues at Hamburg Airport
Problems with computer systems are disrupting departures and arrivals at Hamburg Airport for airlines. Four airlines are affected at Hamburg, said a spokesperson for the airport. They are Eurowings, Ryanair, Vueling, Turkish Airlines. The airlines will issue tickets manually first.

09:40 BER operations disrupted by IT issues
Shortly after the start of the holidays in Berlin, there are significant disruptions to the flight traffic at the BER airport in Schönefeld. No planes are taking off or landing at the Hauptstadtflughafen BER. Due to a technical issue, there are delays in the passenger processing, said a Flughafensprecherin According to RBB reports, there was a server failure. However, there is no confirmation for this.

1. The disruptions at Cologne Airport also echoed in Australia, prompting an emergency meeting in the Australian government.

2. It was reported that IT-Security issues related to a software update from US cybersecurity firm Crowdstrike might be the root cause of the global computer problems.

3. Passengers traveling from Hamburg might encounter inconvenience as well, with airlines like Eurowings, Ryanair, Vueling, and Turkish Airlines affected by the IT issues at Hamburg Airport.

4. In the tech hub of Hamburg, several businesses, including airports and clinics, sought alternative means to operate due to the widespread complications with computer systems.

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