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106 non-citizens expelled for safety purposes.

The state government views each removal of a dangerous individual as a step towards enhancing security. However, this is not always a remedy; many of those being removed are German citizens.

Passenger planes take off from Düsseldorf Airport.
Passenger planes take off from Düsseldorf Airport.

Threatener - 106 non-citizens expelled for safety purposes.

Since 2017, about 111 people considered dangerous or security-related have been removed from North Rhine-Westphalia, about five others also left voluntarily. This information was revealed by the state government in response to an inquiry by the AfD (Alternative for Germany) party. However, being classified as dangerous doesn't necessarily lead to deportation. If there are obstacles like lack of travel documents, family ties, unfulfilled exit obligations, or no agreement from the public prosecutor's office, deportation is not a possibility.

The AfD asked why only five of the 464 people labeled dangerous or security-related were deported in the first half of 2023. Interior Minister of NRW (North Rhine-Westphalia), Josefine Paul (Greens), explained that 311 of these people are German citizens, and 18 already resided outside Germany, so deportation was not a choice for most of them.

The ministry also clarified that many possible deportations failed due to the mentioned issues: missing travel documents, legal obstacles, family ties, unfulfilled exit obligations, or lack of agreement from the public prosecutor's office. Despite these difficulties, the deportation of extremists or terrorists from the foreign spectrum still makes a major contribution to risk prevention.

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