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100 slots made available at Damper harbor

The well-liked port of Damp had been doubtful to open this season due to the intense fall storm surge. However, recent updates bring optimistic results.

Sailing boats are moored in the harbor in front of the vacation apartments in Damp.
Sailing boats are moored in the harbor in front of the vacation apartments in Damp.

Check out the thrilling world of travel and exploration: Tourism! - 100 slots made available at Damper harbor

Starting July 1st, the Damper Yacht Harbor will have 100 mooring spots available once more. The Waterways and Shipping Authority closed the Damper Harbor on June 4th, 2024, as reported by the Ostsee Resort Damp, the harbor's operator. This decision comes after recent inspections confirmed that piers A to D can operate safely again.

The Damper Harbor experienced significant damage from a severe storm surge in the fall, and initially, it was announced that the entire year would be spent shutting down the harbor. With a total of 14 piers and 365 mooring spaces, this is the largest yacht harbor in the area.

It's unclear when the Damper Harbor will be fully functional again. The Ostsee Resort Damp has notified harbor users in writing, as mentioned on May 29th, as a requirement for a free and speedy transfer of the harbor to a new operator.

Both the municipality of Damper, as the Harbor owner, and the Ostsee Resort Damp, as the current operator, are in favor of a change in management. Negotiations are currently underway.

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