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100 schools to benefit from the Startchancen program

Over the next ten years, many billions of euros are to flow into selected schools via a new program. The focus will be on institutions with a high proportion of socially disadvantaged pupils. In Thuringia, there is to be a social index for this.

Education - 100 schools to benefit from the Startchancen program

In Thuringia, 100 schools are to benefit from the federal government's Startchancen program and can therefore hope to receive special funding. The schools will be selected primarily according to social criteria, Thuringia's Education Minister Helmut Holter (Left Party) told the German Press Agency in Erfurt. "We have drawn up a social index and used this index to create a ranking of schools." The proportion of pupils with a migration background also plays a role. He plans to discuss the details of this with the districts and independent cities, most of which are school authorities, on January 18.

Through the Startchancen program, up to one billion euros are to go to the federal states nationwide each year, and they are to add the same amount on top. The program is set to run for ten years - up to 20 billion euros are to flow during this time. Schools with a high proportion of socially disadvantaged pupils are set to benefit. The program will start in the 2024/2025 school year, i.e. in August in Thuringia. The plan is for the money to flow into multi-professional teams at schools, for example, and to fund more educational assistants.

According to the Thuringian Ministry of Education, the exact schools that will benefit from the program will be announced in June at the latest.

In addition to staff, investments in a better learning environment can also be funded. There will also be an "opportunity budget for needs-based solutions for school and teaching development", as a spokesperson for the Thuringian Ministry of Education explained. Further budgets could be used for qualifications and further training.

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