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Stadt Lübeck verbietet an den Travemünder Stränden das Grillen

In den letzten Zeiten sammeln sich Beschwerden über Grillen am Strand auf. Daher gilt an allen Stränden in Travemünde ein Grillverbot. Die Jungen Liberalen protestieren.

Auf den Stränden und in den öffentlichen Grünflächen in Travemünde ist mehr nicht grillen gestattet...
Auf den Stränden und in den öffentlichen Grünflächen in Travemünde ist mehr nicht grillen gestattet (Bildsymbole)

Freizeit - Stadt Lübeck verbietet an den Travemünder Stränden das Grillen

Starting from this weekend, a total grilling ban applies at the beaches in Lübeck-Travemünde. This includes the bathing areas, the dog beach at Brodtener Ufer, and all other spa facilities, according to the city of Lübeck. The city is reportedly implementing this ban in response to increasing complaints about smoke and odor nuisances and conflicts at the Brodtener Ufer with dog owners.

At the Strand by the Brodtener Steilufer, dogs are explicitly allowed to run free. The city initially issued a time-limited grilling ban, but, according to their statements, it was frequently disregarded. The "Lübecker Nachrichten" had previously reported on this.

The Young Liberals criticize the ban as one-sided and too harsh. In protest, they invite people to a barbecue at the Krähenteich in the inner city of Lübeck on Saturday (27. July) starting at 17.30 Uhr.

Press release of the city of Lübeck

The total ban on grilling at the beaches in Lübeck-Travemünde includes the popular dog beach at Brodtener Ufer. Visitors to Travemünde might still enjoy a leisurely weekend by the beach, but barbeques are strictly prohibited. The city of Lübeck, located in Schleswig-Holstein, implemented this ban due to escalating complaints about smoke and odor nuisances, as well as conflicts with dog owners at the Brodtener Ufer.

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