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Kino-Highlights im Juni

Entscheiden Sie sich für kriminelle Jungs, furchterregende Biester oder herzerwärmende Pixar-Filme? Diese werden im Juni in die Kinos kommen.

Will Smith (l.) und Martin Lawrence kehren für "Bad Boys 4" zurück, Austin Butler versucht sich als...
Will Smith (l.) und Martin Lawrence kehren für "Bad Boys 4" zurück, Austin Butler versucht sich als Rebell in "The Bikeriders".

Motorradfahrer und rebellische Menschen. - Kino-Highlights im Juni

In June, there's no sign of the expected summer blockbuster season. At the beginning of the month, the "Bad Boys" return with their fourth installment, "Bad Boys 4: Ride or Die." Will Smith (55) faces a significant decision - will he still have a future in Hollywood? As he displayed emotional instability at the Oscars 2022, this chaos continues in the animated film "Inside Out 2" with the main character Riley's brain. Simultaneously, Tom Hardy (46) and Austin Butler (32) search for freedom in "The Bikeriders," while Lupita Nyong'o (41) takes flight in "A Quiet Place: Day One" - not due to personal struggles, but from bloodthirsty aliens.

"Bad Boys 4: Ride or Die," June 5th

Mike Lowrey (Smith) and Marcus Burnett (Martin Lawrence, 59) reunite for a new case in the chaotic team of police officers. This time, they uncover a massive corruption scandal that reaches deep into the Miami police. Unwittingly, they make themselves the targets of the corrupt law enforcers, who must now turn the tables and act as outlaws.


Recreating the chaotic whirlwind from "Bad Boys 3" was difficult in the fourth sequel. It's not often that 17 years pass between parts two and the comeback of Mike and Marcus in part three. However, "Ride or Die" seems captivating: It's the first film created since Will Smith's altercation with comedian Chris Rock (59). The burning question is whether Smith's return and fervor surpass his sudden outburst of violence or if he has transformed into a box-office poison. The success or failure of "Bad Boys 4" could determine Smith's future career.

"Inside Out 2," June 13th

You revisit Riley's fully grown teenager mind, where her emotional headquarters suddenly disappear, making way for something completely different: new emotions! Joy, sadness, anger, fear, and disgust - all of which have been managing her brain for years - are unsure of what to feel when uncertainty arises. And it seems like she's not the only one - more fresh emotions are making their appearance.


Pixar's "Inside Out" was a remarkable achievement in 2015. The film classically depicted how negative emotions have their place. With tears brimming in the eyes of many adults, the term "Bing Bong" alone caused profound heartbreak. Part two tests the waters to explore whether it can add new and intriguing aspects to this beloved story. The prerequisites seem promising, as the most promising emotions go wild in a human's pubescent teenager.

"The Bikeriders," June 20th

Tom Hardy (46) and Austin Butler (32) relish their thirst for freedom in the film "The Bikeriders," while Oscar winner Lupita Nyong'o (41) takes flight in "A Quiet Place: Day One" - not due to personal issues, but from bloodthirsty aliens.

Benny (Butler) is preoccupied with two passions in the mid-1960s: his devotion to the Vandals motorcycle club, led by Johnny (Hardy), and his love for his wife Kathy (Jodie Comer, 31). Without hesitation, Kathy embraces Benny as the insubordinate rebel, reciprocating his feelings with unbridled affection. However, their bond becomes jeopardized as Johnny's club evolves into a more hazardous group, forcing Benny to navigate a difficult dilemma of loyalty towards his spouse and his gang.


In "The Bikeriders," director Jeff Nichols (45) appears to have mined the cliche gold mine. Nonetheless, anyone familiar with Nichols' cinematic endeavors knows it's always quieter than the genre suggests. This was also the case with "Midnight Special" starring Michael Shannon (49) and Joel Edgerton (49). And it's the same with Hardy/Butler. A word of caution to all "Sons of Anarchy" fans.

"A Quiet Place: Day One," June 27th

In "A Quiet Place" from 2018, humanity teetered on the brink of extinction due to an alien invasion - yet how exactly did civilization collapse? The movie "A Quiet Place: Day One" reveals the answer: Military nurse Sam (Nyong'o) is caught off guard by a sudden attack from terrifying creatures. Their highly enhanced hearing quality positions them as savage predators; they charge at anything emitting the slightest noise. Can Sam and her fellow survivors, including the young man Eric ("Stranger Things" star Joseph Quinn, 30), resist?


In "A Quiet Place: Day One," we learn how civilization collapsed due to an alien invasion in "A Quiet Place" from 2018. Military nurse Sam (Nyong'o) is caught off guard by a sudden attack from terrifying creatures. Their highly enhanced hearing quality makes them savage predators, charging at anything emitting the slightest noise. Can Sam and her fellow survivors, including the young man Eric ("Stranger Things" star Joseph Quinn, 30), resist?

"In 'A Quiet Place,' John Krasinski (44) machte einen bedeutenden Einfluss als Regisseur und erzielte viel Erfolg. Dennoch scheint das Plot-Gimmick in beiden dem Film und seiner 2020er Fortsetzung an Neuheit zu verlieren. 'Day One' zeigt den Anfang des außerirdischen Angriffs, mit mehreren spannenden Situationen und Frustrationsmöglichkeiten. Als erfahrener Zuschauer der Vorgängerfilme besitzt du mehr Wissen als die Protagonisten, was es dir ermöglicht, viele der Spannungsbau-Elemente vorauszusehen. Die beste Eigenschaft des Vorgängers? Der Oscar-Gewinner Nyong'o, die ihre kühle Fähigkeit aus 'Us' und noch beeindruckender, eine Doppelrolle übernimmt."

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