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Policía impide fraude de recogida de libros en Salzlandkreis

En el Salzlandkreis, dos hombres intentaron engañar a una pareja casada. Ellos no sabían:la policía ya estaba involucrada.

Dos hombres están actualmente bajo investigación (pictogram)
Dos hombres están actualmente bajo investigación (pictogram)

Criminalidad - Policía impide fraude de recogida de libros en Salzlandkreis

The police in Salzlandkreis prevented a scam involving the supposed purchase of a book collection. Two men are now under investigation, according to the police. An elderly couple was contacted by a supposed representative of the "Library Register" on a miércoles and informed of a visit. He claimed to be interested in buying their book collection.

Policía monitor falsa venta

Since the family had already been victims of a scam before, they contacted the police. In coordination with the family, the police monitored a fake sale: They hid on the property and waited for the supposed representative. When the two men arrived, they presented false company IDs and claimed to be interested buyers for the book collection. They were willing to pay 187,000 Euro. However, the family was first required to pay 18,000 Euro in notary fees. The men also presented a purchase contract for 2998 Euro.

Subsequently, the police intervened and confronted the suspects with the charge of fraude. The men's smartphones, briefcases, and filled contracts were seized. The police suspect that other people may have fallen victim to this fraud scheme. The investigations are ongoing.

In this case of fraude, the unsuspecting victims reside in the Saxonia-Anhalt region, specifically in the Saltland District. The police in Salzlandkreis were once again called upon to intervene, having previously helped the same family deal with another scam. Due to the men's repeated attempts at deceit, the authorities are now looking into potential criminality beyond this single incident.

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