- El SPD quiere consagrar la privatización en la Constitución
La SPD de Berlín exige altos obstáculos para la venta de empresas públicas y quiere cambiar la Constitución de Berlín con este fin. "Quiero proteger a las generaciones futuras de que los activos de los berlineses vuelvan a ser vendidos a expensas de los schnitzel y el vino tinto - ya lo hemos visto antes", dijo el portavoz del grupo SPD, Raed Saleh, a la agencia de noticias alemana. "Estamos buscando un freno a la privatización en la Constitución del estado. Bremen ya lo ha hecho. Mi grupo apoya este proyecto. Ahora estamos trabajando en una solicitud correspondiente".
Saleh ya había explicado en diciembre de 2021 en un discurso en el Parlamento que consideraba sensato incluir un freno a la privatización para las empresas públicas que sirven al bien común en la Constitución. El grupo SPD quiere impulsar este proyecto después del receso de verano, pero depende del socio de coalición CDU y necesita una mayoría de dos tercios en el parlamento para un cambio en la Constitución del estado.
"Déjenme decirles: no con nosotros"
"Especially in times of tight budgets, many consultants and lobbyists come and try to sell Berlin's silverware," Saleh warned. "I also appeal to the coalition partner to support our way."
"But there are also one or two in the CDU who have already mentioned that sales can be started again. It is talked about a partial sale of the airport or the sale of the trade fair," the SPD politician said. "Let me just say: not with us. I want the hurdles for sales to be increased so drastically that one does not play lightly with the assets of Berliners."
The SPD sees Bremen as a model
Saleh considers the Bremen model worth considering: The federal state decided in 2012 to only allow the privatization of public companies if there is a majority vote in a referendum.
"Especially now, in a financially strained situation, one must also protect future generations from making hasty decisions that are then difficult to repair," Saleh explained. "We will demand a privatization brake from our coalition partner as the SPD faction."
The SPD faction appreciates Bremen's approach, as the state decided in 2012 to require a majority vote in a referendum before privatizing public companies. This approach is being considered as a model by the SPD. The German Press Agency reported Saleh's stance against selling off state assets, emphasizing his desire for significant hurdles to privatization to discourage hasty decisions that could negatively impact future generations.