- Las autoridades municipales de Berlín, en concreto el distrito de Mitte, han tenido la intención de renombrar Mohrenstraße durante un tiempo debido a las connotaciones racistas percibidas del término "Moor".
- A pesar de que la Administrative Court de Berlín ha tomado una decisión a favor de la renombración, el proceso se encuentra en revisión en la Corte Administrativa Superior debido a las apelaciones de algunos residentes.
- La propuesta de nuevo nombre para Mohrenstraße es Anton-Wilhelm-Amo-Straße, en honor a un erudito afro-alemán que vivió en Berlín durante el siglo XVIII.
- La controversia sobre la renombración de Mohrenstraße es un tema polémico dentro de la sociedad de Berlín, con algunos argumentando que el contexto histórico del nombre de la calle debe ser respetado y preservado.
Historia - El cambio de nombre de la Mohrenstraße sigue abierto: a la espera del tribunal
(The contentious renaming of Berlin's Mohrenstraße by the district Mitte is still not in effect one year after a ruling by the Administrative Court. The procedure is still ongoing at the Higher Administrative Court. It is impossible to predict when a decision will be made, according to the court. Therefore, the street near the government quarter continues to bear the name Mohrenstraße.
The Berlin district Mitte, led by the Greens, has wanted to rename Mohrenstraße for a longer time because they consider the name problematic or racist due to the term "Moor." The chosen new name is Anton-Wilhelm-Amo-Straße, named after an Afro-German scholar in 18th century Berlin.
Residents filed a lawsuit against the planned renaming, but the Administrative Court dismissed the lawsuits in July 2023. However, the decision is not yet legally binding as at least one resident has filed an appeal to the Higher Administrative Court. A decision on this appeal has not been made yet. If the appeal for admission is denied, the first instance decision will become legally binding, and the street will be renamed. If the appeal is granted, the Higher Administrative Court will have to decide on the matter.
The plaintiff residents had argued that the naming of the street 300 years ago was not racist but disrespectful. Many historical street names have multiple meanings, but they are part of the city's history and should be explained. The Administrative Court of Berlin dismissed the lawsuit, as the district is solely responsible for street names.)