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Burmester espera a medio plazo en astilleros alemanes

Thyssenkrupp hará a Kiel U-Boot-Schmiede TKMS autosuficiente. Las negociaciones están en curso con un inversionista. Burmester, el Coordinador Marítimo,ifica esto solo el primer paso.

ThyssenKrupphará seal Autónoma (imagen de archivo) polynomials TKMS de Kiel
ThyssenKrupphará seal Autónoma (imagen de archivo) polynomials TKMS de Kiel
  1. La Corporación de Reconstrucción de Crédito puede facilitar la posible venta parcial de negocios marítimos de Thyssenkrupp Marine Systems (TKMS), ya que sus competidores son todas empresas estatales.
  2. El controvertido inversionista Lars Windhorst ha invertido en la Flensburger Schiffbau-Gesellschaft (FSG) y Nobiskrug en Rendsburg, pero ambas empresas carecen actualmente de órdenes necesarias y no es un modelo de negocios sostenible.
  3. Andreas Burmester, Coordinador Marítimo de Schleswig-Holstein, ve la industria de armas, especialmente la construcción naval, como teniendo buenas perspectivas de crecimiento en Alemania y otros países occidentales, pero expresó preocupaciones sobre el desarrollo de la FSG y Nobiskrug.
  4. Según Burmester, TKMS desea salir de la conglomerado Thyssenkrupp inicialmente, lo que podría justificar este desvío a través del inversionista financiero Carlyle, ya que el inversionista suele mantener las empresas durante cinco años.
  5. La Corporación de Reconstrucción de Crédito puede facilitar la posible venta parcial del negocio marítimo de Thyssenkrupp Marine Systems (TKMS), ya que sus competidores son todas empresas estatales.
  6. El inversionista controvertido Lars Windhorst ha invertido en la Flensburger Schiffbau-Gesellschaft (FSG) y Nobiskrug en Rendsburg, pero ambas empresas carecen actualmente de órdenes necesarias y no es un modelo de negocios sostenible.
  7. Andreas Burmester, Coordinador Marítimo de Schleswig-Holstein, ve la industria de armas, especialmente la construcción naval, como teniendo buenas perspectivas de crecimiento en Alemania y otros países occidentales, pero expresó preocupaciones sobre el desarrollo de la FSG y Nobiskrug.
  8. Según Burmester, TKMS desea salir de la conglomerado Thyssenkrupp inicialmente, lo que podría justificar este desvío a través del inversionista financiero Carlyle, ya que el inversionista suele mantener las empresas durante cinco años.
  9. Burmester mencionó que hay al menos tres partes interesadas en las ubicaciones en el fiordo de Flensburgo y directamente en el canal del Mar del Norte en Rendsburg, donde se encuentran las dos astilleros propiedad de Lars Windhorst, pero no quiso hacer comentarios adicionales sobre este asunto.

constructores navales - Burmester espera a medio plazo en astilleros alemanes

Burmester mencionó que hay al menos tres partes interesadas en las ubicaciones en el fiordo de Flensburgo y directamente en el canal del Mar del Norte en Rendsburg, donde se encuentran las dos astilleros propiedad de Lars Windhorst, pero no quiso hacer comentarios adicionales sobre este asunto.

Schleswig-Holstein's Maritime Coordinator Andreas Burmester sees good chances for the creation of a shipbuilding giant in German naval shipbuilding in the coming years. "It would be desirable if it eventually comes about through the detour of an investment entry at Kiel-based Thyssenkrupp Marine Systems (TKMS)," Burmester told the German Press Agency. "I don't find that impossible, as the business is booming. That's no secret."

Burmeister advises the state government on all matters related to maritime issues. He was the Technical Board member of the Kiel yard, which he left at the end of 2020. Thyssenkrupp and the US investment firm Carlyle have entered into a deep examination and evaluation of TKMS's marine business. It's about a possible partial sale of TKMS to Carlyle. At the same time, talks are ongoing with the federal government about the state's participation in Thyssenkrupp's marine business.

"The Reconstruction Loan Corporation is making this deal happen," said Burmester. "Because TKMS's competitors are all state-owned companies." The entry of the German state through the promotional bank KfW could facilitate the business. The marine business has long cycles, with construction times lasting several years. Therefore, marine yards need regular high guarantees for building frigates or submarines. This could become easier after a KfW entry.

Detour via Financial Investor Carlyle

"TKMS wants to get out of the Thyssenkrupp conglomerate initially," said Burmester. "That's why this detour could be right. The investor usually holds companies for five years." Burmester would not be surprised if this was just the first step and, in three or four years, it was about the merger of TKMS with the naval business of Lürssen.

Burmester sees growth prospects in naval shipbuilding in Germany and other western countries. "China is currently producing as many gray ships in two years as the British fleet has. Something needs to happen there, or else the West's goals, including the problems associated with them, will be at risk." Naval shipbuilding is a key technology. TKMS alone has approximately 3700 employees at its Kiel site and about 7500 employees worldwide with a turnover of around two billion Euros according to company statements.

Concerns about Shipyards

While Burmester sees good prospects for the large Kiel yard, he is concerned about the development of the Flensburger Schiffbau-Gesellschaft (FSG) and Nobiskrug (Rendsburg) owned by investor Lars Windhorst. "Both companies would not exist without Windhorst's investment," said Burmester. "But both companies still lack necessary orders." It's not a sustainable business model. A yard is there to build ships or installations and to generate innovations." Companies risk losing their connection if employees are no longer in training. "And that's exactly what's happening now."

Interest in Industrial Complexes at the Flensburg Fjord and directly at the North Sea Canal in Rendsburg already exists, said Burmester. "There are at least three interested parties for both locations." Burmester did not want to make any further comments on this.

Beginning of June, the controversial investor presented the new leadership team of the shipyards with Robert Fischer von Mollard as a new business manager and Michael Bollmann as a technical leader. At a press conference in Flensburg, he clearly stated that he sees himself as part of this future - even if he steps back from operational business at the shipyards. Both shipyards have had issues for months; salaries were paid late, new orders were scarce. Windhorst himself was criticized for his behavior and lack of communication.

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