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Bonos especiales atraen poca atención a pocos educadores

El país intenta abordar la falta de profesores en ciertas regiones y asuntos con bonos especiales. El amplio esfuerzo no ha tenido éxito hasta el momento.

106 funcionarios docentes han recibido complementos especiales este año
106 funcionarios docentes han recibido complementos especiales este año
  1. El Ministro de Educación de Turingia, Helmut Holter (Izquierda), apoya la introducción de permisos especiales para los maestros, a pespite de que pocos maestros han sido atraídos por estos permisos.
  2. Los maestros en áreas como Erfurt, Weimar y Jena, o sus distritos inmediatos, no son elegibles para estos permisos debido a la ausencia de una escasez de maestros en estas áreas.
  3. Según la política educativa de Turingia, asuntos como física, biología, informática, inglés, deporte y arte, a menos que se enseñen en una escuela primaria, se consideran asuntos con una escasez significativa de maestros.
  4. Según la política educativa del Estado Libre, los maestros recién contratados pueden recibir un suplemento del 10% de su salario de entrada válido como permiso especial por cinco años si enseñan en un asunto de escasez, región o tipo de escuela.

falta de profesores - Bonos especiales atraen poca atención a pocos educadores

Few Thuringian teachers have been lured by special allowances in regions where the teacher shortage is particularly large. This year, such allowances have been granted for 106 civil servants. In 2023, allowances have been approved for 209 civil servant teachers. For context: More than 20,000 teaching staff work at general and vocational schools in the state.

The Free State pays teachers, under certain conditions, additional money since 2022. This applies to teachers, for example, in regions where there is a particularly high demand, or who teach subjects for which there is a particular shortage of teaching staff.

Conditions for Special Allowances

According to the corresponding administrative regulation of the Ministry of Education, newly employed female and male teachers receive a ten percent supplement of their valid entry wage as a special allowance for five years if they meet two of the following three criteria: shortage subject, shortage region, or shortage school type. According to the given information, the following subjects are considered subjects with a particular shortage: physics, biology, informatics, English, sport, and art - provided that these subjects are not taught at a primary school. As a shortage region, the entire Free State except for the free cities of Erfurt, Weimar, and Jena, as well as the districts directly adjacent to these cities, is considered.

Special Allowances are a mosaic stone in teacher recruitment

Although relatively few prospective teachers have been won over by the allowances for teaching, for example, in rural areas, Education Minister Helmut Holter (Left) defends their introduction. The situation in teacher recruitment is complex and dynamic due to demographic changes in schools nationwide, Holter told the German Press Agency. "The special allowances are a stone in the mosaic of many measures to combat the teacher shortage."

Challenges in certain subjects

These additional payments would provide incentives for prospective teachers to focus on specific shortage subjects and work in shortage areas. Without this mosaic stone, Thuringia would likely be less successful in its search for new teachers than it is currently, according to Holter.

However, Holter also made it clear that the search for prospective teachers for Latin and Geography is currently so challenging that these two subjects are likely to be classified as shortage subjects in the near future.

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