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Were the terrace constructions in Mallorca executed poorly?

Deceased following restaurant's collapse.

The first floor of the Medusa Club, including the terrace, collapsed down to the basement.
The first floor of the Medusa Club, including the terrace, collapsed down to the basement.

Were the terrace constructions in Mallorca executed poorly?

Four people lose their lives in a horrific incident at a packed restaurant on Mallorca. The day prior, the operators had been celebrating their fancy new terrace space in advertisements, which an ntv journalist from Playa de Palma revealed. Local media are sharing startling updates about a shift in the building's structure.

Authorities in Mallorca are working to determine the cause of the fatal accident at a restaurant where at least four individuals perished. ntv correspondent Anna Hohns shares from the preferred vacation spot that police and building bureau experts thoroughly combed through the wreckage on Friday. The current conjectures suggest a combination of factors: at the time of the tragedy, the roof terrace buzzed with people dancing, reveals Hohns. Additionally, the restaurant was a decades-old building from the 1970s: "Back then, lots of prefabricated cement was used, which can absorb water and become brittle."

The roof terrace itself is under intense scrutiny. "It seemed brand new," says Hohns from Playa de Palma. Neighbors attest to the structure being under renovation during the winter. This is also evidenced by a social media post shared by the Medusa Club operators the day before the devastating accident: "A picture of the terrace was published with the caption 'All new,'" reports the ntv journalist. The question arises if something went awry during this work.

Local media mention additional inconsistencies. The last regular inspection of the club took place in 2017, Ultima Hora newspaper notes. The building authorities found "minor problems" that couldn't impact the building's structure but cautioned that the roof with the terrace wasn't suitable for holding significant weight, making entry impossible.

However, there have been several alterations to the building since, according to Ultima Hora. "The building's appearance recently differs greatly from how it looked a few years ago." Technicians are examining if the renovations line up with what had been planned. The diario de Mallorca, a regional newspaper, quoted the regional minister for urban planning, Óscar Fidalgo, as stating: "We're checking if everything is in order. If not, we'll find out why."

Two German female tourists, a Spaniard, and a Senegalese man succumbed in the accident at Ballermann. Sixteen people sustained injuries and were urgently transported to the hospital. Five of the injured are still in a critical condition. Citing witnesses, Spanish media affirm that the first floor had crumbled down to the basement, where numerous diners were enjoying a meal.

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