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Two individuals plummet off Mount Everest's edge.

Catastrophe during the descent

The main Everest season is from April to June, as this is when there are most likely to be good...
The main Everest season is from April to June, as this is when there are most likely to be good weather windows for the ascent.

Two individuals plummet off Mount Everest's edge.

Recently, there have been some tragic incidents on the tallest mountain on Earth - Mount Everest. First, two climbers were found dead last week. Now, authorities are reporting another accident. A British mountaineer and his Nepalese guide have gone missing while they were descending the mountain. It's not clear why the accident happened, but both men were part of a bigger expedition group.

Just a day before this, officials discovered the body of a Romanian climber at the third highest camp on the massive mountain. And earlier in the season, the bodies of two Mongolian climbers were discovered on Mount Everest as well.

The year 2023 has been particularly deadly for Mount Everest climbers. Despite the increase in successful ascents, the mortality rate remains relatively unchanged. In a study published in the journal "PLOS One," US researchers found that climbers now have twice the chance of reaching the summit during the spring season compared to 20 years ago.

419 climbers given permission

From 1990 to 2005, only about a third of climbers achieved their goal on their first try. But from 2006 to 2019, that number rose to around two thirds. The mortality rate stayed the same, at around 1%.

There are two main climbing routes to the top of Mount Everest, and they're open for a short time each year during the peak season - which is from April to June. This is when the weather is best for attempting the summit. If you want to climb the mountain from Nepal, it will cost you about 11,000 US dollars (around 10,000 euros) for a permit. This season, 419 climbers were given this permit to tackle the mountain.

Image: Mount Everest climbers

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