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The stars' wishes for 2024

The wish list for 2024 is long: these are the stars' dreams and hopes for the new year.

Sebastian Ströbel appeals not to lose faith despite all the
Sebastian Ströbel appeals not to lose faith despite all the

Celebrity survey - The stars' wishes for 2024

Will peace finally return in 2024? That's what many celebrities wish for in an interview with spot on news. "Peace wherever they smash each other's heads in," says "Bergretter" star Sebastian Ströbel. The stars have these hopes and dreams for the new year.

Peace and security

Model Lena Gercke (35): "If I could make one very big wish, then of course I wish - as I'm sure everyone in this world does - that times will calm down again, that things will be peaceful, that families and children can feel comfortable and safe. Especially in times like these, it's important that we all stick together more."

Biathlon legend Laura Dahlmeier (30): "Peace, tolerant coexistence and a mindful approach to our planet. Personally, I wish myself continued good health, ease in everyday life and always the necessary grounding. I hope I succeed in all my upcoming projects and challenging adventures."

Actor Sebastian Ströbel (46): "Peace wherever they bash each other's heads in. Pushing back the AfD. That women's rights are further strengthened. Equal pay and so on - the to-do list is long. Nevertheless, we mustn't be impatient and lose faith, but always continue to walk hand in hand, seek dialogue and then hope that we can untie some knots without violence."

Actress Sophie Pfennigstorf (34): "For the year 2024, I would like to have interesting roles that challenge me. That responsibility for the climate crisis is taken on a political level. Health for my family and friends... and yes, there would still be a lot to say at a political level."

Setting new goals

Actress Laura Osswald (41): "I definitely want a new relationship at some point. But I'm not stressing about it either, I'm doing really well at the moment."

Actor Dieter Bach (60): "What I'm looking forward to next year are the unexpected opportunities that 2024 will bring."

Footballer Lars Stindl (35): "Of course happiness, health and whatever else you hope for in life. In my private life, I'm hoping for one or two sporting highlights and then we'll see what the new year brings. It could be an interesting year for me. I'm just looking forward to it."

Singer-songwriter Zoe Wees (21): "I've been happier with my life this year than in previous years - I want to continue that in 2024. I will continue to work hard on myself and keep setting myself new goals. But one thing must always remain the same: I want my family to be well and all the loved ones around me to stay healthy!"

Singer-songwriter Wincent Weiss (30): "My wish for next year is to have a little more self-discipline to say 'no', find peace and quiet and spend more time in private."

Singer Vanessa Mai (31): "2024 will be an exciting year for me musically with new music, a new tour and lots of other highlights. I'm really looking forward to the fans' reactions. Personally - I'll be completely honest - I just hope that we stay healthy and happy. And for the world and society, that it simply makes better headlines than in 2023 with wars, divided societies and many, many other unpleasant topics."

Health remains an important topic

Pop singer Bernhard Brink (71): "For me, health is the basis for everything and that's what I want for 2024 too. That things stay the way they are for a long time to come."

Food blogger Stefano Zarrella (33): "My main wish for 2024 is to stay healthy. I also hope to continue to have the opportunity to realize beautiful projects and share my passion for what I do with many people."

Presenter Michelle Hunziker (46): "That everyone stays healthy... sounds banal, but it's the most important thing."

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