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Suspect apprehended in connection with murder of asylum shelter's security guard.

Numerous police officers are dispatched to Potsdam. Near Sanssouci Park, a security officer is brutally murdered at a refugee shelter. Law enforcement in Berlin swiftly responds.

Police officers are on duty at the crime scene in Potsdam.
Police officers are on duty at the crime scene in Potsdam.

Law enforcement activity - Suspect apprehended in connection with murder of asylum shelter's security guard.

At a refugee shelter near Sanssouci Palace in Potsdam, a young man lost his life in a sudden violent incident. The perpetrator was later nabbed nearby the Zoo train station in Berlin. The authorities in Potsdam were shaken by the morning's gruesome turn of events at this city-operated shelter. Police were cautious about divulging any details surrounding the suspect and the crime on Thursday. The authorities revealed that the casualty was a 33-year-old with Syrian nationality.

In the hours that followed, Potsdam's law enforcement officials poured into the western part of the city's capital. The vicinity of the shelter, housing around 30 individuals, was cordoned off. Berlin's police force, on the lookout for the suspect, had been on the hunt for him since authorities announced his name before his apprehension.

Arrest of the Suspect

A government employee identified the fleeing suspect at Alexanderplatz, and police forces were promptly alerted. The Federal Police, acting on this tip, arrested the individual at the Zoological Garden. The prosecution filed a warrant for arrest due to charges of manslaughter. The accused was scheduled to face an investigating judge on Friday.

The Sanssouci Park, a neighbor of the refugee shelter, was also searched for the culprit. The police investigating the homicide wanted to question him as soon as possible. The assault took place on the campus of the Gemeinschaftsunterkunft für Asylwerber in Geschwister-Scholl-Straße at approximately 4:00 a.m. The guard, aged 33 and with Syrian background, was rushed to a hospital with severe injuries, succumbing to those injuries later.

Mayor Mike Schubert (SPD) shared his shock and dismay, elucidating, "Today has been a tough day for our city. A person entrusted with our city to protect asylum seekers ended up being a victim of a horrific crime." A team was handling the well-being of the residents, workers of the shelter, and the deceased guard's colleagues. The city has been operating this property as a shelter for asylum seekers since 2022, and the building previously functioned as a hotel under the name "Schlossgarten."

The man's death made national headlines. Police were determined to unravel the mystery of the perpetrator and their motives. Officers scrutinized the surroundings for any clues that might lead them to their suspect, digging through bushes and trees. Police dogs were employed to aid in the investigation. More officers, decked out in protective gear, were seen patrolling behind police line tapes.

Earlier in the year, a fire had broken out in the shelter, causing its evacuation. The police mentioned this previously, stating that the building was evacuated in late February.

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