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She aims to instill these values in her daughters.

"Finding the Cannes Film Festival remarkable, Lena Gercke enjoys her motherly break on the Croisette," exclaims Lena Gercke.

A dream in red: Lena Gercke on the red carpet in Cannes.
A dream in red: Lena Gercke on the red carpet in Cannes.

Model Lena Gercke in the spotlight: Professionally successful, but personal challenges. - She aims to instill these values in her daughters.

Strolling the glamorous streets of Cannes with model and presenter Lena Gercke (36), viewers caught a glimpse of her stunning appearance at the Cannes Film Festival. Donning a breathtaking red gown, Gercke proudly strutted the red carpet alongside other L'Oréal Paris family members. Despite missing her children during this time, Gercke remains upbeat, noting how she enjoys the experience.

Having two children with her partner, Dustin Schöne (38), Gercke elucidates the values she wishes to instill in them in this exclusive interview. As the very first "Germany's next Topmodel" winner, she shares why the unwavering strength of her mother has played a pivotal role in her own life.

What reminisces come to mind when thinking about your first time on the Croisette in Cannes?

Lena Gercke: The beauty of the French Riviera and the intriguing ambiance of the Cannes Film Festival captivated me during my initial visit. As captivating as it was, it's been five years since my initial [luxurious] experience. The allure still draws me in each time I visit Cannes.

Did the Barbie hype surrounding Greta Gerwig (jury head at Cannes) spark your interest as well?

Lena Gercke: The intense hype surrounding Barbie was undeniable. The creative marketing tactics and Greta's presence as part of the jury left a significant impact. Personally, I wasn't completely engulfed in the Barbie craze; however, the notion of reimagining female roles engrossed me.

How do you practice female empowerment?

"Empowerment for women consists of self-determination and independence," states Lena. "My mother, a genuinely strong and rebellious personality, has instilled these values in me from a young age. At the age of 17, I began my journey of autonomy via independent travel and decision-making. I strive to pass this on to my daughters."

Still, which women have made a mark on your life the most?

"My mother set the precedent for resilience and strength," asserts Lena. "She raised two children by herself, demonstrating unwavering strength and courage - and remains my most significant role model."

With what values do you want to leave your daughters?

"As a parent, I hope for my daughters to forge their own path, express their emotions, and embrace self-acceptance. I attempt to foster this by empowering them to make their own decisions and follow their own routes. It is only through individuality and conviction that they will grow into empowered, influential women."

Why didn't your two daughters and your partner go with you to France?

Gercke: "The Cannes Film Festival isn't the ideal place for young children, as they would feel unstimulated and be unable to contribute meaningfully to the proceedings. Furthermore, we practice privacy in our family life, so I embarked on this adventure solo."

Do you savour your brief reprieve from parenting on the red carpet?

Lena: "Absolutely. Though I long for the embrace of my children, I find fulfillment in the event's renowned communal atmosphere, meeting inspiring individuals, and partaking in enchanting experiences.

Do you need hours to become camera-ready?

"Expertise in hair and make-up artistry collaboratively cultivates my refined appearance," Gercke reiterates. "At present, luminous, fresh skin beneath makeup is my favorite finish for my red carpet physique. Typically, it takes precisely one and a half to two hours to compile a complete and flawless look."

Is your personal style any different from your public one?

"Privately, I frequently adopt casual clothing, favored for its functionality. Unfortunately, such outfits are unsuitable for affluent events like the Cannes Film Festival. Nonetheless, my private life's simplicity does not compromise my appreciation for splendorous moments like Cannes."

What beauty routines do you absolutely rely on?

"Skincare tips accessorize my life with grace," Gercke states. "For instance, ever-evolving technologies and versatile products catering specifically to one's skin type are indispensable in my regular lineup."

Is there anything you're excited about regarding your professional life?

"Confirming my role as the ideal L'Oréal Paris ambassador reaffirms my commitment to self-actualization as a woman and a mother. I'm eager to inspire and adorn others while maintaining an elevated sense of composure."

Do you have any future projects you can tell us about?

"You'll have to keep an eye out," Lena alludes. "A variety of upcoming endeavors will pay homage to my versatile career in modeling, presenting, and design. Stay tuned!"

Anyway, I truly believe that inner beauty and maintaining good health are essential for my personal well-being. This includes having a balanced diet and taking supplements. Additionally, I enjoy using scrubs and face masks to refresh myself mid-term. With motherhood, I've come to appreciate the importance of a quick but effective beauty routine.

What's absolutely forbidden?

No doubt, excessive drinking and inadequate sleep are a big no-no. Your skin can certainly tell if you consume the wrong food or consume too much alcohol. It's just bad for your body. Your skin will appear pale and flawed if you don't eat properly or drink too much. Maintaining a balanced diet is crucial in this regard.

When do you feel fabulous?

I feel the most fantastic when I can completely relax. For instance, when I'm on vacation and can meander around at will. Ideally, I'd like a light summer complexion on my face, such that makeup is unnecessary to feel fresh and attractive.

What's the nicest praise you've ever received?

One incredibly close friend of mine once described me as an exceptional role model for her regarding motherhood, children, and career. She admired how I could maintain close ties with my children while still finding time to do something for myself. That comment genuinely touched my heart.

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