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"Let's Dance" co-stars to take a joint holiday

India hosts Bendixen and Kelly.

Ann-Kathrin Bendixen and Gabriel Kelly have been friends since "Let's Dance".
Ann-Kathrin Bendixen and Gabriel Kelly have been friends since "Let's Dance".

"Let's Dance" co-stars to take a joint holiday

Gabriel Kelly and Ann-Kathrin Bendixen, who recently locked horns on "Let's Dance," are preparing for a thrilling adventure: a trip to India. Ann-Kathrin, an influencer, and her dance partner Valentin Lusin were dismissed from the show last Friday. With tears in her eyes, Ann-Kathrin expressed disappointment after their elimination. However, she'll soon be cheering up. Bild reports that after "Let's Dance," a dream vacation is planned.

India, a country with certain safety concerns for solo female travelers, will be their destination. Ann-Kathrin explains, "I've always wanted to go to India. But India can be quite dangerous in some areas for women traveling alone, so I don't have to worry because I have a travel partner." Gabriel Kelly, her "Let's Dance" opponent, will join her. As they were fierce competitors on the show, a close friendship blossomed behind the scenes.

Gabriel says about the upcoming trip, "Ann-Kathrin has already planned and organized a lot of things that I don't even know about yet, but I trust her." However, he needs to get his motorcycle license first. "It's going to be a really adventurous trip; dirty, filthy, but fun." Bendixen adds, "I believe it will be a really cool time, during which we'll also grow together."

To undertake this journey, both Bendixen and Kelly require the support of their partners. They are in committed relationships. Bendixen's boyfriend, Isa Akhmatov, and Kelly's partner, Leoni Miller, have been informed of the travel plans. Ann-Kathrin reassures Bild that "I've traveled quite often with different people, and it's never been a problem for the partner. Not even for the respective partner. It's only three weeks, and they'll be able to cope with that. They also like each other and have gotten to know each other, so it's all easy."

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