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Kenyan Meets with Mishap on Mount Everest

The guide leading him up the mountain has disappeared.

Mount Everest, the highest mountain in the world, has been the scene of numerous accidents.
Mount Everest, the highest mountain in the world, has been the scene of numerous accidents.

Kenyan Meets with Mishap on Mount Everest

A second accident on Mount Everest this week has claimed the life of a Kenyan climber, while his local guide remains missing. The mountain's tourism authority reported that the 40-year-old climber's body was found between the summit and the steep Hillary Step. Unfortunately, there was no sign of the Nepalese guide who was with him.

The National Park officials started the search for the man and his Nepalese guide after communication with them was lost on Wednesday morning. Meanwhile, another team is still looking for a British climber and his local guide. They've been missing since Tuesday, and met with a similar fate as they were descending from the summit when an ice collapse occurred.

Nepal has been busy handing out 419 climbing permits for Mount Everest this year, with a peak height of 8849 meters. In May, two more lives were taken on the mountain. The bodies of the two Mongolian climbers were found last week.

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