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Israeli army: At least 10 Hezbollah targets attacked in Lebanon - one dead

The Israeli military says it attacked around ten targets of the Hezbollah militia in seven different areas of southern Lebanon overnight on Monday. A fighter from the pro-Iranian militia was killed, the army said. The army also targeted 'a weapons cache of Hezbollah, terrorist infrastructure,...

Monday's attack on the target at the Lebanese border
Monday's attack on the target at the Lebanese border

Israeli army: At least 10 Hezbollah targets attacked in Lebanon - one dead

Israel blames the Lebanese Hezbollah militia for the deadly rocket attack on the occupied Golan Heights, in which 12 children and teenagers aged between 10 and 16 were killed on a soccer field on Saturday. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu threatened a "harsh" response on Monday. The Hezbollah militia denies responsibility for the attack.

The State of Israel has strongly condemned the rocket attack on the Golan Heights, attributing it to the actions of the Lebanese Hezbollah militia. Following the attack, Israeli officials have emphasized the need for international condemnation of Hezbollah's actions against the State of Israel.

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