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Gina-Lisa Lohfink owes her former partner 22,000 euros.

The court has made a decision.

After the verdict, Gina-Lisa Lohfink must have stopped laughing for a moment,
After the verdict, Gina-Lisa Lohfink must have stopped laughing for a moment,

Gina-Lisa Lohfink owes her former partner 22,000 euros.

Lohfink and her ex have different views on a financial issue. Lohfink saw the money given as a generous gift from her partner, but her ex considered it a loan. They are now battling it out in court over 22,243.62 euros plus interest. The verdict has been made: Lohfink has to pay Christopher E. back.

In a past interview, Lohfink shared her perspective, believed that she and her partner should help one another financially. This was even more important because one partner had more money than the other, she claimed. However, her ex, the owner of a heating and plumbing company and also involved in real estate, had different thoughts. He recalls willingly helping Lohfink, his former partner, by handing over a large sum of money when she was struggling to pay the balance for her Mercedes-AMG C63. But to him, the 22,243.62 euros plus interest was not a gift but simply a loan.

Lohfink, a reality TV star, perceived the money she received as a loving act. "I appreciate having a devoted partner who assists with my expenses. He bought me wonderful handbags, whisked me away on luxurious vacations, and helped me settle my car debt. It's thoughtful and I've expressed my gratitude a thousand times. He didn't need to do this, I didn't force him. He did it because he cared. And now that our relationship has ended, he wants it back — that's harsh and unfair. What type of revenge is that?" she asked angrily during the trial's start.

Christopher E. disagrees, stressing that he had never intended to give away the money permanently. There are supposedly witnesses who can corroborate his account. They overheard the discussion regarding the money transfer and claim Lohfink's version of events is incorrect.

The judge has ruled in the Ex's favor, ordering Gina-Lisa Lohfink to reimburse him 22,000 euros with a 5% interest rate. After hearing the verdict, Lohfink's legal representative Burkhard Benecken spoke with RTL, commenting that he was surprised. "The witnesses summoned by the plaintiff didn't back up their allegations. They both admitted they weren't present at the supposed approval of the loan and didn't listen in on a phone call between Lohfink."

Benecken believes the verdict conflicts with typical life experiences. "If my client Gina Lisa Lohfink received numerous gifts, she would pen down such an agreement if she wanted to recover the money. I think the court may have been swayed by the court's celebrity status. I can't think of any other explanation."

The lawyer further shared that he had spoken to Lohfink, who was receiving a haircut during the announcement of the verdict. She was "surprised" and "didn't understand" the decision. "We will appeal this judgment and are confident it will be reversed. The sum that Lohfink has to repay her ex is probably not payable all at once as a lump sum," he said.

Lohfink's ex-boyfriend stated in court that he had lent Lohfink money and did not mean to give it as a present, calling the transaction a loan. The former "Germany's Next Top Model" contestant insisted it was a gift, which she had thanked him for multiple times. Witnesses have been called to confirm Christopher E.'s perspective, but they said they were not present when the loan was given or during a phone conversation between the two.

The judge has now sided with Christopher E. and granted him the sum plus interest. Lohfink's lawyer Burkhard Benecken called the verdict incomprehensible and unfair under the circumstances. He also raised concerns about the court possibly being influenced by Lohfink's celebrity status, resulting in the decision.

In an interview, Benecken explained that he would need to speak to Lohfink about the situation. Apparently surprised by the news, she had been at a hairdresser's when the verdict came in. "She was very surprised and didn't understand the decision," Benecken said. However, he added that they would be taking the issue to a higher court and are confident it would be overturned. The details of the repayment plan have yet to be fleshed out; but, it seems doubtful that Lohfink will be able to pay the 22,000 euros plus interest all at once.

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