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Gigi D'Agostino explicitly states that "L'amour toujours" represents love.

Post xenophobic controversy erupts

Gigi D' Agostino 2009 im italienischen Rimini.
Gigi D' Agostino 2009 im italienischen Rimini.

Gigi D'Agostino explicitly states that "L'amour toujours" represents love.

Gigi D'Agostino, responsible for the Electronica anthem "L'amour toujours," has made it clear that he's not into social media. A disturbing event took place at a bar on Sylt, where, to his song "L'amour toujours," some party-goers shouted racist chants. This sparked anger on social media.

The Italian DJ felt the need to clarify the sentiment behind his track "L'amour toujours": "My song 'L'amour toujours' is about an incredible, tremendous, and intense feeling. It's the bond that unites people. It's the love that keeps me alive." According to D'Agostino, the essence of the song lies in the shared joy of coming together.

An unfortunate event transpired at a posh bar on Sylt over the Easter weekend, with some attendees participating in abhorrent racist chants, using his song "L'amour toujours" as a soundtrack. This led to backlash online. Texts such as "Ausländer raus" and "Deutschland den Deutschen" could be heard in the brief clip distributed via social media. Authorities are now investigating this matter. Similar incidents, involving Nazi slogans, have been recorded in various German states in recent times during this particular song.

No matter how intense or brief the love within his song is, it can't be summed up in minutes, hours, months, or even years. This is why he called it "L'amour toujours" - "Love forever." "That's the only meaning my song carries," D'Agostino shared. He didn't comment further on the Sylt incident, but he made it clear that he's not a social media user.

At least two individuals tied to this racist incident on Sylt have suffered professional setbacks since then. The Serviceplan Group, a renowned advertising agency, dismissed an employee that was implicated in the altercation. "We do not condone racism in any form within our agency group," the company said. Likewise, the Hamburg influencer Milena Karl confirmed that she had terminated an employee linked to the event.

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