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Educators Found Guilty of Child Abuse

Probationary period and monetary penalties

The group leader, described by the chamber as "conflict-averse", was complicit in the case because...
The group leader, described by the chamber as "conflict-averse", was complicit in the case because she knew about her colleague's actions and actively covered them up.

Educators Found Guilty of Child Abuse

Parents believe their kids are secure while they're being looked after at a daycare center. However, two caregivers from Würzburg, Bavaria, have recently been sentenced for abusing children. One teacher admits to multiple instances of violence.

A former preschool teacher received a suspended sentence of one year and ten months at the Würzburg District Court for assaulting and coercing children. She also needs to pay a 6,000 euro fine to the Child Protection Association, as ruled by the court. Her previous colleague and head of the childcare group was given a fine of 150 daily rates of 50 euros each, amounting to aiding and abetting by being passive. Both women admitted to several incidents of violence in their toddler group during 2021. The court did not forbid them from working.

The public prosecutor's office alleges the incidents occurred more than three years prior, from September to December 2021, at a daycare center in Greußenheim in the Würzburg district. The teacher was accused of forcefully touching several children between the ages of approximately one and a half to three and confining them to a dark room, as well as forcing a child to eat a large amount of food. She is said to have shoved a spoon down his throat until he vomited. A one-year-old fell from a high crib, hitting his forehead on the floor.

Co-accused didn't intervene

The co-accused group leader is accused of not stopping the assaults and not informing the parents or daycare management. She didn't interrupt the crimes in some instances and even covered them up. The court referred to a fearful and avoidance-prone personality structure.

The presiding judge detailed the tense interpersonal environment between the team at the care facility and among the two defendants in his verdict. They were neither monsters nor horror educators, but guilty; their victims were the youngest members of our society. Some decisions have yet to be finalized.

The main defendant was charged with assault, coercion, and child abuse, while the co-defendant was charged with child abuse by omission. The court didn't comply with the public prosecutor's request to prevent the defendant from working because she's no longer employed and likely won't find work as an educator again.

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