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Alex Jones consents to sell his possessions to reimburse Sandy Hook victims, effectively relinquishing his control over Infowars.

Right-wing conspiracy theorist Alex Jones has agreed to liquidate his personal assets, as requested by the families of Sandy Hook victims. This comes after he was found liable for damages totaling over $1.5 billion due to his false claims regarding the 2012 school shooting.

In this September 2022 file
In this September 2022 file

Alex Jones consents to sell his possessions to reimburse Sandy Hook victims, effectively relinquishing his control over Infowars.

The court decision opens up a path where Jones will no longer hold ownership over Infowars, the powerful conspiracy empire he created in the '90s. Over time, Jones used his media company to spread harmful lies and conspiracy theories that distorted public discourse, while also lining his pockets with millions of dollars.

Previously, Jones resisted turning his personal bankruptcy into a Chapter 7 liquidation. However, facing mounting legal pressure, he switched his stance and gave in to the demands of the Sandy Hook families, who have not been paid a dime by Jones since courts in Connecticut and Texas convicted him of defamation and emotional distress in 2022. His legal team stated in court papers that a successful restructuring was not likely to happen and that maintaining the status quo would just lead to additional expenses for Jones.

A lawyer representing some of the Sandy Hook families, Avi Moshenberg, spoke with CNN about the situation, saying "The conversion to Chapter 7 means [Jones’] ownership in Free Speech Systems is going to get sold."

Attorney Chris Mattei, who also represents some of the Sandy Hook families, added, "Converting the case to Chapter 7 will speed up the conclusion of these bankruptcies and assist in the liquidation of Jones’s assets, which is the same reason we pressed for Free Speech Systems' case to be converted to Chapter 7."

For some time now, Jones hasn't been in charge of Infowars, as the parent company, Free Speech Systems, has filed for bankruptcy protection as well. Therefore, the company's operations have been managed by a court appointee.

A hearing is planned for next Friday to decide the future of Free Speech Systems' bankruptcy.

However, regardless of the outcome of said hearing, Thursday's legal shift paves the way for a court-appointed trustee to sell Jones' personal assets, including his stake in Infowars.

The liquidation of Jones' assets does not necessarily mean the end of Infowars. There are several potential outcomes, such as the business being sold to a new owner.

A representative for Jones failed to return requests for comment when reached out to on Thursday night.


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Despite relinquishing his control over Infowars, Alex Jones' media business continues to have significant impact. Following the court decision, Jones' personal assets, including his stake in Infowars, will be sold to reimburse the Sandy Hook victims.

The sale of Jones' media assets could potentially lead to a new owner taking over Infowars, further influencing the media landscape.



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