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After the drama surrounding Meghan, she looks to the future

Princess Kate is said to have put the drama surrounding Harry and Meghan behind her. According to insiders, the future Queen is only looking ahead to 2024.

Princess Kate not only set the tone in terms of fashion in 2023, but according to various sources,
Princess Kate not only set the tone in terms of fashion in 2023, but according to various sources, she is also increasingly setting the tone in the British

Princess Kate - After the drama surrounding Meghan, she looks to the future

At the turn of the year, Princess Kate (41) can look back on her first full twelve months as Princess of Wales. But 2023 got off to a turbulent start for the 41-year-old and her husband, Prince William (41), heir to the British throne. Just a few months after the death of Queen Elizabeth II (1926-2022), William's brother Prince Harry (39) famously shocked the British royals in January 2023 with the publication of his controversial memoirs "Spare", in which he made serious accusations against his relatives.

Princess Kate thinks about "the long-term interests of the monarchy"

However, shortly before her 42nd birthday on January 9 next year, Kate now seems ready to put the drama surrounding Harry and his wife, Duchess Meghan (42), behind her for good. "She's put it behind her, and so has William," an unnamed friend of Kate's told US magazine People. According to this, the future Queen of Great Britain would now focus on "what matters in the future" instead of looking back.

Renowned royal expert Valentine Low, who reports on the British monarchy for the London Times, agrees. "Kate is thinking strategically. She will be queen one day and she has the long-term interests of the monarchy and the royal family at heart," the journalist tells People.

Nice on the outside, strong-willed behind the scenes

In this context, the royal expert also points out a subtle difference between Princess Kate's public image, which he describes as "nice and smiley and, dare I say it, harmless", and her actions behind the scenes. Contrary to her public perception, Kate is "in truth strong-willed and prepared to fight for what she wants and believes is right".

A year full of milestones

Princess Kate's strengthened role within the British monarchy was reflected last year not least in the success of her "Shaping Us" campaign, which the 41-year-old launched at the beginning of the year and which aims to draw attention to the importance of the first five years of a child's life.

For her annual Christmas concert on December 8, Kate invited numerous people whose work revolves around early childhood development. In the absence of King Charles III (75) and Queen Camilla (76), Kate and her husband, Prince William, were this year's highest-ranking royals at the festive carol singing in London's Westminster Abbey. Just another indication of her growing importance within the monarchy.

"She creates a special place for herself that is celebratory," explains royal biographer Sally Bedell Smith (75) to People, referring to Princess Kate's growing role over the past year.

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