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A vast plume of smoke blankets the harbor in Hamburg.

A junkyard ablaze.

The scrap heap is taken apart and extinguished individually.
The scrap heap is taken apart and extinguished individually.

A vast plume of smoke blankets the harbor in Hamburg.

In the port of Hamburg, there were numerous blue lights and a significant amount of smoke drifting over the city. A series of scrap metal chunks were on fire in this Hanseatic metropolis. It still needs to be determined whether harmful chemicals are being released. Because of this, nearby residents are advised to close their doors and windows.

Early this morning, a fire commenced at a firm area in Hamburg's port. A 30-meter by 20-meter heap of scrap metal, which is commonly used for handling scrap metal, caught fire for unclear reasons, according to the police. Images from the event show several firefighters surrounding the area.

The pile of scrap metal, reportedly weighing 60 tons, was engulfed in flames, according to local sources. To battle this massive blaze, 80 firefighters were deployed. Lucky for everyone, there were no reported injuries at this time.

This intense fire created a huge, billowing cloud of smoke. Local officials summoned the public to close windows and doors in Heimfeld, Harburg, and Wilhelmsburg districts. They were also instructed to turn off any ventilation systems and air conditioners. The fire department has been carefully examining the smoke cloud for potentially hazardous substances.

The police disclosed that there were some closures and traffic disruptions in the vicinity. The fire station then informed drivers that the southern Elbe has been shut down for ship traffic. The scrap heap is being targeted with a giant grabber to ensure each piece is individually extinguished.

The scrap heap is taken apart and extinguished individually.

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