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A brawl ensues between men in a popular location in Leipzig.

Equipped with a machete

Eisenbahnstraße has been Saxony's only weapons ban zone since 2018.
Eisenbahnstraße has been Saxony's only weapons ban zone since 2018.

In the heart of Leipzig, Eisenbahnstraße has a reputation for violence and chaos. Late in the afternoon of a recent Sunday, an intense brawl erupted, leaving at least two individuals injured. The cops have taken precautions and are withholding details of the incident.

Recent events unfolded on Sunday evening in the notorious Eisenbahnstraße, where multiple people were injured during a brutal scuffle. The Leipzig police confirmed the occurrence, stating at least two individuals, both 26-year-olds, were hurt and one required medical attention outside of a hospital.

The police have launched an investigation, focusing on the motives behind the fight, the individuals involved, and the allegation of causing grievous bodily harm. The authorities have yet to disclose the use of dangerous objects during this altercation.

Intriguing footage of the brawl has surfaced on social media, showing more than a dozen men fighting aggressively. Shocking images depict males viciously punching and kicking each other, with one man brandishing a sharp object unsuccessfully. In another instance, a man wields a machete, striking a person on the ground.

The area's name, Eisenbahnstraße, infamously stands for lawlessness and unrest. Law enforcement authorities established the first and only weapons ban zone in Sachsen back in November 2018. Situated roughly the size of 70 soccer fields, Eisenbahnstraße prohibits the carrying of certain weapons in the region. Cops can randomly check passersby, despite lacking suspicion.

The conservative city council has raised concerns about this measure's efficiency and condemned it for targeting entire regions. Nonetheless, the control zone will persist until the construction of an official police station in the vicinity is completed.

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