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Third Children's Biennial Held on Planet Utopia in Dresden

Originating in the Far East, the European Children's Biennale brings contemporary art to life through discovery, engagement, and contemplation, leaving a lasting impression beyond its location in Dresden.

The Children's Biennale in Dresden invites you to join in.
The Children's Biennale in Dresden invites you to join in.

Art showcase event - Third Children's Biennial Held on Planet Utopia in Dresden

Third Children's Biennale at the State Art Collections (SKD) in Dresden transforms a Japanese Palace into a haven of future hopes and ideals for nine whole months. The primary focus is on concepts of peace, harmony, environmental sustainability, and societal justice, harmony, and tolerance.

Curator Anna Aulich explains, "This exhibition is about shaping the future and creating a better world." This concept was inspired by the thoughts and ideas of 130 child juries from Dresden schools studying from second through sixth grades. They presented their visions of how life could and ought to be in the years to come.

The fancy "Planet Utopia" premiers on International Children's Day with a big celebration, and is free of cost to attend. In ten spacious rooms of the 18th-century palace, contemporary artworks that address emotions, empathy, and Mother Nature are presented, along with social and political issues. There's a notion of audience engagement in this exhibition as well.

For instance, there's an invitation called "Today I feel like ..." encouraging children to stick their drawn faces over the circles imprinted on the walls. Another example is transforming an insect kingdom from their observations by the Elbe riverbank into imaginative, three-dimensional exhibits using foil-filled glass bottles.

Furthermore, tourists can marvel at a variety of artistic sculptures, like an underwater world constituted from countless plastic bottles, a whiff of nostalgia in the form of a scent memory, a mammoth paper-based artwork spanse, a sinuous piece of wire art with intricate fabric, or a floating sculpture of the gentle air currents. In the Utopia Workshop, artists are residing and collecting futuristic dreams, while there's also a creative songwriting project exploring children's rights.

This remarkable exhibition boasts a huge array of educational resources with fully-inclusive workshops, and areas for toddlers and infants, in partnership with the National Gallery Singapore, which was the original source of inspiration for the European rendition of this event.

Read also:

  1. The theme of the Third Children's Biennale in Dresden, held at the State Art Collections (SKD), focuses on shaping the future and creating a better world, drawing inspiration from the ideas of child juries from local schools.
  2. The "Planet Utopia" event, which premieres on International Children's Day, invites children to engage with contemporary artworks addressing various themes such as emotions, empathy, Mother Nature, and social and political issues.
  3. Saxony's capital, Dresden, plays host to this annual event that showcases art exhibitions with a focus on the future, including installations like a floating sculpture of gentle air currents, a mammoth paper-based artwork spanse, and creative workshops for children.
  4. In line with its Utopia theme, the exhibition offers educational resources and fully-inclusive workshops, in collaboration with the National Gallery Singapore, which originally inspired this event's European rendition.
  5. Artists participating in the Children's Biennale in Saxony's museums, like the State Art Collections (SKD), contribute to this unique experience by gathering futuristic dreams in the Utopia Workshop and exploring children's rights through songwriting projects.




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