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The Orinoco region brings rain for the beginning of summer.

A brief glance at the weekly forecast.

Erst ein Tief, dann kurz Sonne, dann wieder Regen. Die letzte Maiwoche verspricht Unbeständigkeit.
Erst ein Tief, dann kurz Sonne, dann wieder Regen. Die letzte Maiwoche verspricht Unbeständigkeit.

The Orinoco region brings rain for the beginning of summer.

Departing in May, there's a nationwide sense of anxiety. Initially, "Nora" roars with strength in the northern, western, and eastern regions. However, "Volker" manages to delight the southwest with some sunshine, while "Orinoco" causes disquiet and rain from midweek onwards.

This May won't bear its namesake across Germany, and May isn't the first summer month either, as it occurs at the end of the week. To kick-start the week, "Nora" coming from the British Isles will bring timely thunderstorms and rain. On Tuesday, enjoy a respite as Germany experiences high-pressure influence from the southwest, with some sunshine finally making an appearance. But this good news won't last long.

By Wednesday, the persistent low "Orinoco" steals away our summers dreams with intermittent thunderstorms. This low is highly active, as it may bring up to 50-60 liters of rain to certain regions in Germany. Thus, in the next week, it'll rain as much in some parts of Germany as in the whole month. Thankfully, we're not anticipating a massive flood event like the one that happened in Saarland or Rhineland-Palatinate. Here are the specifics.

Monday night: Rain followed by loosening

Storm "Nora" affects us at the start of the week. Over the British Isles, it triggers thunderstorms and rain from the onset. In the north and west, it's been raining and causing thunderstorms since Sunday evening, which then fades away. The southwest witnesses lighter rain. The Northeast stays mostly dry and occasionally clear. Temperatures vary from 10 degrees in the mountains to mild 11-15 degrees.

Monday: Scattered showers with lightning and thunder

The week begins with occasional rains or thunderstorms. The north and northwest remain somewhat pleasant, while the eastern parts witness soaring temperatures up to sweltering 25 degrees. Thunderstorms, lightning, and thunder occur in the Alps in the afternoon. It's highly recommended that people exercise caution, as local weather conditions may lead to dangers due to strong rain, hail, and storms. The north, on the other hand, avoids these challenges and offers sunny skies throughout the day.

Tuesday: Sunny weather in the west with thunderstorms in the east

"Volker," the high-pressure system, momentarily provides a relaxation period. From the southwest, it brings dry and sunny weather for an extended time, making outdoor activities less likely to end in wet surprises. However, the eastern regions will continue to deal with the remnants of "Nora" and showers and thunderstorms.

Wednesday: A new low, "Orinoco," looms over us for the remaining week

This brief respite ends quickly, as the next low, "Orinoco," is predicted to be approaching and occupy the entire week. Dark clouds with rain showers will drift in from the west, with strong thunderstorms possible in some areas. Temperatures will range from 17 degrees in the Alps to a warm 22 degrees in the east.

Thursday: Questionable holiday weather with minimal sunshine

Corpus Christi weather is not as sunny as anticipated. "Orinoco" clouds the picture with repeated thunderstorms, hindering much sunshine from creeping through. The west sees windy prospects, and the Alps may reach a cool 16 degrees. The east will feel warmer, with maximum temperatures of up to 22 degrees. If you're planning an outing, consider indoor alternatives instead.

Friday and the weekend: "Orinoco" tops the sky with clouds and rain

The low-pressure system circles over Germany, causing persistent rain that's occasionally accompanied by lightning and thunder. Expect stormy weather on Friday for the north and east, while the weekend may witness thunderstorms and more rain in the west. Unfortunately, no summer breaksthrough is expected for the bridge day and into the beginning of June.

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