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Sylt-Gröler regrets his "serious blunder"

Celebrating with a Hitler-esque gesture and facial hair?

Er könne sich nicht erklären, warum er das gemacht habe, teilt der Mann mit, der in dem Video...
Er könne sich nicht erklären, warum er das gemacht habe, teilt der Mann mit, der in dem Video einen Hitlerbart anzudeuten schien.

Sylt-Gröler regrets his "serious blunder"

During Easter celebrations on Sylt, one of the men who shouted xenophobic slurs has now expressed regret over his actions. His remorse doesn't seem to stem from his own behavior, however.

The person who was seen making a Hitler mustache gesture during the hateful chanting at the Easter festivities on Sylt has apologized. According to "Bild," he said, "I want to publicly and genuinely apologize for what occurred. I apologize to all those we may have hurt." He handed himself over to the police and is facing legal repercussions.

The State Protection Office is examining the case for inciting hatred and using unconstitutional symbols. The police said in a statement, "In the video, you can see that at least some of the depicted individuals are singing right-wing extremist lyrics ('Germany for the Germans, foreigners out!'). There is also suspicion that a person is making the so-called Hitler salute."

The individual making the Hitler salute now states in his apology that he made a "terrible mistake" and is ashamed of it. He can't account for his actions. "I can imagine that many people who read this won't forgive me, but it hurts me immensely," the newspaper quotes. He was raised with a view of being open-minded and tolerant and has friends from various backgrounds.

The primary reason for his public apology, he claims, is the harassment of his family and friends online. "That was my mistake, for which I should have taken the blame alone, not my friends and relatives who weren't present. So, my request: Be angry with me, but not with my friends and relatives."

The pub where the group celebrated has lodged a criminal complaint. Two participants have been dismissed by their employers. The advertising agency group Serviceplan Group has also announced the termination of an employee involved in the incident. Hamburg influencer Milena Karl also revealed she had fired an employee tied to the event.

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