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Pope Francis Issues Apology for Allegedly Making Insensitive Remark

Pope Francis has faced repeated criticism for his stance on homosexuality. Recently, it is reported that he made homophobic comments regarding the church's offspring, prompting him to express regret.

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Potential clerics who identify as LGBTQ - Pope Francis Issues Apology for Allegedly Making Insensitive Remark

According to various news sources, Pope Francis has issued an apology for a controversial comment concerning homosexuals. The Vatican made an official announcement, clarifying that the Pope had not specifically tackled the matter of utilizing an extremely offensive term against the LGBTQ+ community during a private gathering with Italian bishops in May, as reported by Italian media.

Vatican spokesperson Matteo Bruni elaborated that the Pope did not intend to harm or convey homophobia through his words. He regretted any emotional hurt that might have been inflicted by the remarks, as reported by others.

Pope Francis retracts reported homophobic statement

In a different context, the Pope discussed the topic of whether openly gay people should be allowed into the seminary with the bishops. Francis was claimed to have rejected this notion and made the statement, "There's already too much 'gayness' in the seminaries," in response, the Italian newspaper "Corriere della Sera" reported. Other Italian media outlets corroborated this information as well. The online platform "Dagospia" released the story first. The participating bishops came to Francis' defense, asserting that he did not understand the severity of the Italian derogatory term he had used.

The Pope is cognizant of the articles about his interaction with the Italian bishops, Bruni relayed. Francis has further mentioned on other occasions that everyone has a place in the Church. "Nobody is too much, nobody is unnecessary, there is a place for everyone," the statement concludes.

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