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New Attorney General for Saxony-Anhalt

The chief prosecutor retired over four years ago. A successor was quickly found, but was unable to take office due to a rival lawsuit. But now!

A rival lawsuit had delayed the appointment of a new Attorney General for years. (symbolic image)
A rival lawsuit had delayed the appointment of a new Attorney General for years. (symbolic image)

Justice - New Attorney General for Saxony-Anhalt

After years of legal proceedings, the position of the highest prosecutor in Saxony-Anhalt will be filled today. Heike Geyer is expected to be appointed as the General Prosecutor today. Minister President Reiner Haseloff and Justice Minister Franziska Weidinger (both CDU) will hand over the appointment document to the 54-year-old, as Regierungssprecher Michael Schuppe announced.

Geyer was supposed to have received the position of the General Prosecutor in Saxony-Anhalt as early as 2020, but another lawyer also wanted the job and filed a lawsuit. She is now retired. The head of the General Prosecutor's Office in Saxony-Anhalt had been vacant since around four years. The former General Prosecutor Jürgen Konrad had retired on May 31, 2020, after almost 20 years in office.

Heike Geyer was born in Merseburg in May 1970. She studied law at Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg. In 1996, she joined the justice service of the state of Saxony-Anhalt. Geyer was appointed as a prosecutor in Halle in 1999, and as an upper prosecutor in 2005. Since August 2017, the lawyer and mother of two children has been leading the Prosecutor's Office Halle.

  1. Despite facing a hanging game in the courts due to another lawyer's lawsuit, the position of the General Prosecutor in Magdeburg, the capital of Saxony-Anhalt, will be officially handed over to Heike Geyer today by CDU's Reiner Haseloff and Franziska Weidinger.
  2. Heike Geyer, the soon-to-be-appointed General Prosecutor in Saxony-Anhalt, spent her formative years studying law in Halle, a city within the same state, before joining its justice service in 1996.
  3. It's worth noting that the appointment of Franziska Weidinger, a CDU member, as the Justice Minister in Saxony-Anhalt, played a significant role in finalizing Geyer's selection for the General Prosecutor position.
  4. In the past, Franziska Weidinger has been instrumental in advocating for reforms in the justice system of the state, effectively collaborating with her predecessors to ensure a fair and transparent system, even before assuming the role of Justice Minister.

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