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Meghan praises her daughter Lilibet and son Archie.

"I enjoy being a mom"

On the first day of the Duke and Duchess of Sussex's trip to Nigeria, Meghan also spoke about her...
On the first day of the Duke and Duchess of Sussex's trip to Nigeria, Meghan also spoke about her children during a visit to a school in Abuja.

Meghan praises her daughter Lilibet and son Archie.

Duchess Meghan has realized her lifelong dream of having a family. However, before giving birth to her first child, she had doubts about managing work and motherhood. She spoke about this during a panel discussion in Nigeria, revealing those thoughts to People magazine.

Meghan once consulted with her former mentor, Bonnie Hammer, while filming "Suits." The Duchess recalled asking Hammer for advice on achieving balance between her career and personal life. Hammer replied, "You don't, you'll never find balance." This conversation left a lasting impression on Meghan, leaving her to wonder what life was like for someone who exists without balance.

Meghan views balance as something that is constantly evolving. "Ever since my dream of being a mother came true, and we have two healthy, talkative, and lovely children, I've been overjoyed," she shared. She enjoys being a mom.

During a visit to a school in Abuja, Meghan referred to a recent conversation she had with her daughter Lilibet. "Our daughter Lili is younger than most of you here - she's turning three soon. Last week, she looked at me and saw her reflection in my eyes and said, 'Mommy, I see myself in you,'" Meghan told the students.

This comment, according to Meghan, had a double meaning. While Lili meant it literally, Meghan interpreted it as "I see myself in you, and you see me in you." During the same visit, Meghan also discussed her children's hobbies. Princess Lilibet loves singing and dancing, while Prince Archie is fond of tinkering.

The Nevada trip by the Duke and Duchess of Sussex marks their first significant excursion since they left their royal duties in 2020 and relocated to the United States. They currently reside in California with their two children.

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