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Lena removes her foul-smelling digit.

An End to Amusement

Makes it clear when something doesn't suit her: Lena Meyer-Landrut.
Makes it clear when something doesn't suit her: Lena Meyer-Landrut.

Lena removes her foul-smelling digit.

Oh no, what kind of nasty bug has gotten under Lena Meyer-Landrut's skin? In a brief video, she puts up both her middle fingers for the camera. Seems like she came across some nasty hateful comments beforehand.

We all know Lena Meyer-Landrut is not the easiest name to say. But even she has her moments when she struggles to find the right words. Yet, the 32-year-old knows how to convey her message without using any words at all.

The singer shared the video on both Instagram stories and Tiktok. In it, she's seen dancing in all-black clothes. To do this, she keeps raising her stinky fingers up with both hands, pointing them right at the camera.

You can hear a voice in the background speaking in English: "She didn't care, not even a bit - and she lived happily ever after." Meyer-Landrut also wrote in the video: "Me, when I read mean comments."

Clarity against AfD

Meyer-Landrut isn't just annoyed by the hostility on the internet; she's also upset by the AfD's electoral success, as she recently shared in an interview with Der Spiegel. "I'm 100% against the right and the AfD," she said, and was certain: "The AfD must be banned."

Meyer-Landrut made it clear. She doesn't think it's okay to be on the far right in Germany these days. She also promotes this opinion on social media, even though it could cost her followers.

In the "Spiegel" interview, Meyer-Landrut also talked about her depression, which she's now openly discussed. According to the musician, it took her a while to tell everyone about her diagnosis. One reason for this was being under constant public scrutiny and judgement since her victory in the Eurovision Song Contest 2010.

However, the singer is planning to step out into the spotlight again in June and July. That's when she goes on tour. She'll also have her new album "Loyal to Myself" with her, which comes out on May 31.

Read also:

Lena Meyer-Landrut, known for her success in pop music, recently expressed her frustration on social media about hateful comments and the electoral success of the AfD. She strongly opposes the far-right party and openly shares her views on her platforms.

The Germany-based singer, who has faced public scrutiny since her Eurovision Song Contest victory in 2010, will be back in the spotlight in June and July with a new album and tour, titled "Loyal to Myself."




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