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Kate remains devoted to a cherished project through her battle with cancer.

"Motivating power"

Princess Kate has kept a low profile since her cancer diagnosis.
Princess Kate has kept a low profile since her cancer diagnosis.

Kate remains devoted to a cherished project through her battle with cancer.

According to recent reports, Princess Kate's health battle hasn't stopped her from working on a project close to her heart. After her public announcement about her cancer diagnosis back in January, the 42-year-old retreated from public life for her treatment. But, sources claim she’s been using this time productively by helping to develop a study for her foundation, the "Business Taskforce for Early Childhood."

The study was unveiled by the taskforce and mentions the Duchess as its main driving force. A spokesperson from Kensington Palace confirmed Kate's involvement saying, "Early childhood is a significant priority for the Princess so she's been kept updated on the development of the Taskforce's work and has seen the report."

The project aims to show the social and economic benefits of a family-friendly work atmosphere. The study suggests that increased work during childhood and adolescence could have significant financial benefits - potentially adding over £45 billion (53 billion euros) annually to the British economy.

Even though Princess Kate's been influential in the taskforce, it doesn't mean a return to active work anytime soon. A palace spokesperson clarified, "We've made it clear that she needs the space and privacy to focus on her recovery. She'll go back to work once doctors give her the all-clear."

The mother of three was hospitalized for a needful abdominal surgery in January, earlier this year. Originally, the palace had expected her to be off work until at least Easter. However, in March, she revealed, through a heartfelt video message, that she'd been diagnosed with cancer during her post-operative tests. Since then, Kate has been receiving preventive chemotherapy since February.

Update:Originally, the text said "until at least Easter." It has been corrected to "at least Easter" to more accurately represent the statement from the palace at the time. The rest of the text remains unchanged.

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