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Judge convicts parents for killing their three-year-old toddler.

The corpse was discarded into a waterway.

It is almost impossible for the parents to serve less than 15 years in prison.
It is almost impossible for the parents to serve less than 15 years in prison.

Judge convicts parents for killing their three-year-old toddler.

A Duisburg court has found two individuals guilty of committing a heinous act. They murdered their three-year-old daughter and subsequently tossed her body into a canal. Although the father also lied to police.

Thanks to their actions resulting in the death of their young daughter and disposing of her remains in the Rhine-Herne Canal in the Ruhr region, the girl's parents have been sentenced to serve life in prison. The Duisburg Regional Court has found both parents guilty of murder, as stated by a court official. Not only that, but they established the severity of their crimes, making early release after fifteen years highly unlikely.

The court took into account the depraved nature of the crime and the motives behind it when delivering their verdict. This decision aligns with the prosecution's request. However, the father's defense team tried to argue for a conviction of assault resulting in death, whereas the mother's defense team sought a conviction for non-homicide. The final verdict has yet to be announced.

As mentioned in the indictment, the 40-year-old father from Dinslaken allegedly locked the three-year-old girl in a cellar at the end of September. He tied her up using adhesive tape and placed a gag over her mouth. The girl's 40-year-old mother reportedly helped plan the crime. On October 1, the child eventually died from suffocation.

Earlier reports revealed that the father visited a Dinslaken police station after committing the crime, claiming he discovered the lifeless girl in the basement of his residence on October 1. He then threw the body, which was weighed down, into the Rhine-Herne Canal in Oberhausen. Authorities eventually recovered the body with the aid of divers. The mother was also taken into custody.

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