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Heinz Hoenig's spouse offers a glimpse into his current health status.

The surgery was a success.

In einigen Wochen soll ein Stück von Hoenigs Magen nach oben gezogen werde, um die entfernte...
In einigen Wochen soll ein Stück von Hoenigs Magen nach oben gezogen werde, um die entfernte Speiseröhre zu ersetzen.

Heinz Hoenig's spouse offers a glimpse into his current health status.

Actor Heinz Hoenig is still recovering from his recent esophageal surgery. His second procedure, part of a complex treatment, might take several months before it can be performed. According to his wife, Annika Kästren-Hoenig, the 72-year-old is doing well given the circumstances following the operation.

Hoenig underwent an esophagectomy, which involves removing his esophagus, and is currently receiving treatment in an intensive care unit at a hospital in Berlin. Annika provided an update to the "Bild" newspaper regarding her husband's health, stating, "Heinz is doing well given the circumstances. The surgeons have done a wonderful job, and that's why he's here with us."

Before his next procedure, which seeks to raise and create a passage from his stomach, will be performed, it is still undecided when it will take place. "A decision about when the stomach can be raised and a feeding tube can be created will be made within the coming months," his wife noted. Once that's done, the actor known for his role in "Das Boot" also has an aorta operation scheduled.

Despite the challenging situation, Hoenig has managed to regain some communication abilities with the help of a speech therapist. He can now speak quietly, although still with some assistance from his therapist. Moreover, physiotherapists are helping him regain mobility, allowing him to sit at the edge of the bed and even stand up, albeit temporarily, with aid. "He's eager to leave the hospital soon, but remains optimistic about his recovery," Annika added.

Hoenig, who lacks health insurance, can only receive treatment because of the generous contributions from his fans. In celebration of his upcoming birthday, they are funding his hospitalization costs through a GoFundMe campaign, and the target amount has been increased to a total of 500,000 euros due to the mounting expenses.

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