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Elementary school students mistreat goats and slay chickens.

Break-in at a storage unit in Duisburg.

The killed chicken was attacked with stones. (archive picture)
The killed chicken was attacked with stones. (archive picture)

Elementary school students mistreat goats and slay chickens.

A community center in Duisburg is reeling from a shocking incident: three children aged nine and ten entered an animal enclosure and mistreated several animals. These students didn't face any legal consequences for their actions.

Apparently, young kids from primary school broke into an animal enclosure in Duisburg's Marxloh district recently. This news was shared in the "WAZ" newspaper. These two boys and one girl committed the cruel act on Sunday. In a distressing scene captured on surveillance cameras, they were seen abusing animals in the enclosure.

These youngsters first broke into the Petershof socio-pastoral center's animal enclosure. They attacked a chicken with cobblestones, causing its death. They also abused two billy goats with spades, stones, and sticks, inflicting injuries. These animals managed to survive the bitter ordeal. According to witnesses, the trio were on a rampage for about half an hour. Neighbors heard the commotion and informed the authorities. The police arrived just in time as the kids were about to use an electric hedge trimmer on another animal.

Familiar Faces

A girl was also with the group but remained detached from the crime, staying outside the Petershof center. The three suspects hail from Duisburg's north side and are not new faces to the police, but they were not previouslyknown for serious crimes. Due to their age, they are not criminally liable. They were handed over to their legal guardians. The police vowed to speak to both the children and their parents about the incident. "The youth welfare office has been briefed on the situation," a spokeswoman shared with RTL.

The Petershof community center is dismayed by the incident, which Sister Ursula Preußer, from the WAZ, claims to have caused great concern. Thinking about the children's behavior towards helpless creatures, she pondered, "What's going on in these kids that they would subject other living things to such torment?" Sister Preußer fears their attitudes towards humans are similarly disturbed. With the fence and walls failing to protect the animals, Petershof might be forced to relocate its animals and close the enclosure.

In a previous series of break-ins, thieves made off with canaries, budgerigars, and chickens. The culprits remained unidentified. The center purchased a surveillance camera in response to these incidents. According to the police, the footage from the camera showed one of the young offenders tossing two chickens over the enclosure's fence the day before the horrific crime.

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