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Court publishes clear names in Epstein case

From Clinton to Copperfield

Court publishes clear names in Epstein case

Prince Andrew's association with sex offender Jeffrey Epstein has long since ceased to be a secret. However, many more names have emerged in the court case against his former partner. Now they are being made public.

In the abuse scandal surrounding US multimillionaire Jeffrey Epstein, a court has published the real names of around 170 people who were allegedly previously treated anonymously. They were named in a civil dispute between the aggrieved US American Virginia Giuffre and Epstein's long-time partner Ghislaine Maxwell. A New York court ordered their publication shortly before Christmas. The more than 900 pages of court documents are expected to include the names of former US President Bill Clinton and the British Prince Andrew. The names of the late pop star Michael Jackson, the magician David Copperfield, the investor Peter Thiel and the supermodel Naomi Campbell can also be found in the files, according to various US media.

Being named does not mean that the person was an active part of the abuse network around Epstein or knew about his activities, but only that the name was mentioned in the civil proceedings. Some people on the list, for example, are also relatives of Epstein's abuse victims. Clinton, previously referred to in the trial as "John Doe 36" (roughly "Max Mustermann 36"), had not objected to his name being mentioned, according to the media.

According to the US broadcaster CNN, a spokesperson for Clinton had already confirmed in 2019 that the former president had flown in Epstein's private plane. However, he had not known anything about his "terrible crimes". In response to the current publication, a spokesperson repeated the denial at the time and emphasized that it had been "almost 20 years since President Clinton last had contact with Epstein".

Epstein was arrested in July 2019. The businessman, who was networked in the highest circles, is alleged to have sexually abused numerous girls, including minors. Around a month after his arrest, Epstein was found dead in his cell at the age of 66. His relationships with celebrities and his death led to numerous rumors and conspiracy theories. Maxwell was sentenced to 20 years in prison in 2021 for, among other things, human trafficking of minors for abuse.

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